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The Troika – Threatening Ireland Now As Well

The term Troika, actually comes from the Russian meaning “group of three”. It was increasingly used during the Euroland crisis to describe the European Commission, International Monetary Fund and European Central Bank, who formed a group of international lenders that laid down stringent austerity measures when they provided bailouts, or promises of bailouts  for indebted […]

ECB Meets in Naples & Riots Breakout

The European Central Bank (ECB) says it met in Naples to celebrate Europe’s diversity. The ECB president Mario Draghi defends the ECB  insisting that it helped fix the crisis, amid anti-austerity demonstrations in Italy that have rocked Naples.  The government has been gassing people and turned water cannons on the demonstrators. The problem is that government and the ECB […]

Hollande Single-Handedly Destroys France

France is bankrupt and part of the Sovereign Debt Crisis comes when a government has to roll its debt and there is no bid. Next year, France’s President Francois Hollande must face a budget deficit along with the country’s biggest-ever rollover of existing debt in history. If there is no bid, we are looking at […]

Obama & Holder Destroy the Constitution

I have studied Constitutional Law intensely and I can say with conviction that history will indeed remember Eric Holder and his mentor Obama for much more than merely the top 9 controversial issues everyone writes about. Mr. Holder’s more than five years as the nation’s chief legal officer has been absolutely devastating to the future […]

The Trade of a Lifetime?

COMMENT: Marty, the Wall Street Journal finally explained on October 1st, 2014 that investors suddenly see a rising dollar as bullish for the US stock market. I just wanted to say they are 3 years behind you it seems all the time. Thanks so much for pointing the way. I got out of gold and […]

More Fraud Exposed in Scottish Election

Scottish man finds a bag full of “YES” votes in the Scottish Elections that have been trashed. This is just further evidence of election fraud. Based up the pattern and information and beliefs, the EU was behind ensuring that Scotland would reject separation from the UK because of fears of a European-wide contagion. EU vote […]

The First Ebola case Appears in the US

The first case of the lethal Ebola virus has been diagnosed in Dallas, Texas. It appears the man is believed to have contracted the virus in Liberia before travelling to the US nearly two weeks ago. Health officials say he is being kept in isolation. However, you can bet everyone on that plane was at least exposed. […]

Atlas is Getting Tired of Holding up the World Economy

It is becoming a familiar story of global uprisings and discontent outside the USA while steady economic growth in the USA remains the only thing holding up the world economy. Socialism is dead just as communism. The idea that governments can manipulate the economy to smooth out the business cycle has been a disaster. Even […]

So What Was the ECM September 2014 Turning Point?

  The 2014.675 turning point in the Economic Confidence Model seems to have pinpoint the shift in capital flows. The US dollar is rising and this may yet move into a serious rally that will have the politicians in turmoil have some even talking about protectionism again since morons never learn a lesson. You have […]

Plight of Germany – Down For the Count?

When the final epitaph is written on the decline and fall of Germany, how will it review Merkel? With fond memories or the catalyst of doom? In the background of the war rhetoric against Russia, the European financial crisis continues to smolder where the stench is starting to be noticed as the Euro keep declining. European […]