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Market Talk- April 24, 2017

Donald Trump’s tweet on Saturday for plans of a “big” tax reform announcement on Wednesday has probably been overshadowed by Sundays event. The first round victory for Macron and going head to head with Le Pen certainly propelled Europe, but may be questionable how much of an effect it had away from President Trumps tweet. […]

French Election – No Surprise – Or Is There?

Our computer had correctly projected that Le Pen would defeat the mainstream party Socialists. Indeed, Hollende did not even run he was so unpopular. The result of this election is really now a wildcard. For the most important aspect worth underlining in BOLD is the striking fact that this is the first time in modern […]

End of Socialism will Be A Tumultuous Hard Landing

QUESTION: Hi Martin: I’d love to believe that the collapse of this dead-end ideology is imminent, but when one looks at just the media situation in the entire Western world, and sets aside the political landscape, it is hard to fathom. With O’Reilly’s departure from FOX, and Murdoch’s sons taking over (who are both reportedly very […]

US to Review Visa Waivers for the EU

The United States is now reviewing the Visa Waiver Program for the European Union. The entire problem has been the porous borders of Europe created by Merkel’s unilateral decision to accept refugees which was NEVER put to a vote for all of Europe. Brussels has simply been dictated by Merkel. Then, she imposed her unilateral […]

French Elections on Sunday

The first round of the 2017 French presidential election is set to be held this coming Sunday on the 23rd of April 2017. Should no candidate win a majority, which is usually the case in France, a run-off election between the top two candidates will be held on May 7th, 2017. Macron and Le Pen […]

Market Talk- April 19th, 2017

Most of the talk yesterday concerned Europe and specifically the UK’s snap election decision by the PM, Theresa May. In Asia, we saw the reaction to the news which resulted in most core indices closing lower on the day; with the only positive from core being the Nikkei, but even then only just! The Yen […]

Obama Living it Up Like the Super Rich

The Democrats blast CEOs and the super rich always demonizing them for elections. They look at their perks and compare them to the average worker to incite class warfare for every election. However, the super rich have nothing on politicians. They can create foundations for tax free living like the Clintons, or rent yachts, like […]

Real Estate Speculation – Boom – Bust – Just Insanity

QUESTION: Hi Marty, Thank you for this blog post. I understand your position but what if you find yourself as I do with real estate being the MAJORITY of your portfolio? What then? I follow your blog and I learned that mortgages in Canada are only 10 year mortgages and the exchange rate is favorable right […]


QUESTION: Wasn’t Andrew Jackson impeached or they began impeachment proceedings because he moved all funds from the Bank of the United States to his pet banks? Do you think they can impeach Trump as they keep yelling about? ANSWER: Andrew Jackson drew a censure resolution from the Senate over his actions in opposition to the Second […]

Market Talk – April 13, 2017

Currency, namely YEN, was the main talking point for the day as then yen approached 109 over Two big figures on the week. This obviously the currency move hit the Nikkei which closed down -0.7% all surrounding the on-going geopolitical concerns. Late in US trading news that the USA had dropped a large devise on […]