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Dow to Rise with Higher Interest Rates not Lower

QUESTION:   I’m just wondering how the stock markets can go up into a rapid bubble in 2015 -17, if the bonds are going to collapse in Oct. of ’15? do you still stand by your call for stocks to go so high this year? oil is going to go too cheap., and it would seem […]

Debt & Reserve Currency

QUESTION: Marty, Would nations still issue debt in the reserve currency or their local currency? If countries issued debt in the reserve currency, wouldn’t that be the same problem you have pointed out with the euro? You have made it clear that debt is the great destroyer of civilization. It seems that this is the […]

How Did The US Markets Respond During Watergate?

How Did The US Markets Respond During Watergate? by Martin A. Armstrong The effect of public confidence upon capital markets is one issue that has gone largely ignored for decades. In our August 8th, 1994 edition of the Princeton World Report, we provided a study of gold dating back to 1721. Every major rally in gold was […]

Governments Are Broke Now they Are Turning People Against People

New York City (NYC) is turning man against his brother all for money writing their own epitaph. NYC telling people to video tape cars just idling in town who they will then fine and the rats will be rewarded. This is precisely how Rome was torn apart and it is amazing to watch how history […]

Three Primary Levels of Service – Coming Soon!

Coming Soon! Please note: While close to completion, our services are not yet available. We will continue to post all relevant updates to the Armstrong Economics blog as they become available. We thank you for your patience.  At Princeton Economics Intl, we have divided our services into three main categories so we have allowed access […]

Sovereign Debt Crisis on Steroids

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; First thank you so much for sharing with us your views of how the world really functions. While there are the typical conspiracy arguments, you are the only one with experience. My nephew works in a major top 10 bank. He told me everyone reads you on the trading desks and […]

Federal Reserve Confusion

A number of people seem to be confused about why the Fed will be forced to raise rates. FIRST you must understand that the ORIGINAL structure of the Fed pre-1935 was that each branch was independent. The design was initially set to be a group of banks who would pool together to stabilize the banking […]

Negative Interest Rates – Brain-dead Thinking that Will Implode the World

The entire problem we have with this proposal of negative interest rates first put forth by Larry Summers, is that this is another means for bankers to make a fortune through theoretical stimulus that will never reach the public. This crazy idea will have a DEFLATIONARY drag on the entire economy and threaten to tear […]

The Upcoming Conferences & the Difference

The March Solution Conference is explaining what is happening and presenting practical solutions for the future. This is designed for everyone. We are preparing a bill for Congress to be championed on Capitol Hill. It is perhaps strategically designed to start a debate that there is the other side of Marxism where taxes are truly no […]

What Happens if the FED Does not Raise Rates?

QUESTION:  Dear Martin, If the Fed KNOWS that raising rates will cause a problem (to say the least) for 1) Bond Market 2) rates on reserves 3) Debt interest 4) sluggish US economy with numbers turning down now then why should they raise rates just because capital flows are coming here and pushing up stocks? Why […]