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Market Talk — March 8, 2016

  Weaker than expected trade data ($32.59bn v Expected $50.15bn) from China saw equities open around 3% down, but that created the day’s low and the market steadied from that point. The Shanghai spent much of the day struggling to recover but recover it did and closed up on the day +0.1%. In Japan, consumer confidence fell […]

The 2016 Gold Report is Ready for Delivery + Video Forecast

Part I of the “2016 Gold Report” is now available. In this report, you will find the most extensive review and explanation on the gold benchmarks with charts dating back to the 1970s, illustrating their performance and how cycle inversions unfold. In addition to this year’s report, we have provided a special video on gold […]

Market Talk – March 7th, 2016

Asian equity markets open with lots of talk around the Chinese National Peoples Congress and the idea that GDP will now be an indicative target range (6.5 – 7%). The Shanghai opened over 1% firmer but did lose that as we headed into the afternoon session, only to recover and close up +0.85%. The PBOC […]

Now Available: Part I of the “2016 Gold Report”

Part I of the “2016 Gold Report” is now available. In this report, you will find the most extensive review and explanation on the gold benchmarks with charts dating back to the 1970s, illustrating their performance and how cycle inversions unfold. In addition to this year’s report, we have provided a special video on gold […]

Freedom of Religion & Severus Alexander (222-235 AD)

Mixing religion and politics has been a major problem throughout history. It has never worked when one religion attempts to force their particular belief upon others. Freedom of Religion, a cornerstone of the American Constitution, was the product of reason and an understanding of history. Religion has been responsible for more bloodshed throughout history than […]

Market Talk March 2nd, 2016

Asian cash markets followed their positive futures run from US trading session was met with strong openings across the board. The PBOC set the Yuan exchange rate at 6.5490 and even a ratings down-grade of China could not stop a 4.2% higher close. The Nikkei was also up over 4% but we did see weakness from […]

Market Talk – March 1st, 2016

There were some big smiles across the faces of many equity traders today as we have seen some of the strongest markets gains in a while. The Nikkei closed +0.4% but could not match the performance of the Shanghai or Hang Seng Indices when they closed up at almost 2% on the day. We saw […]

Market Talk – February 29th, 2016

All core Asian markets traded heavy by the close of business – it was hopeful that Japan was to be the exception – sadly, that was not to be the case! Although the Nikkei was higher for the majority of the day in the final ninety minutes it too was sold and closed down 161 […]

Market Talk – February 26th, 2016

We saw healthy performances across all Asian Indices amongst the G20 headlines. There is much talk about additional fiscal stimulus coming from China whilst Germany takes the opposite view (expressed by Wolfgang Schaeuble) stating that easy monetary policy “risks serious side effects.” Core indices closed higher on the day (Nikkei +0.3% and Shanghai +1%) but […]

The Socialist Lie that We have had Always a Growth Economy Since Roosevelt

A comment by a reader with a philosophy is interesting and delusional at the same time. “Armstrong chose not to seek any compromise but to put all the blame on government. In principle, that’s got to be an absurd point of view. So it seems to me. One more thing, to his alleged factual correlation. Government […]