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N. Korean Diplomat Caught Smuggling $1.7 Mil in Gold

  A North Korean diplomat was just caught by customs officers in Bangladesh for trying to smuggle almost 60 pounds of gold into the country worth $1.7 million.  He claimed Diplomatic Immunity, but they still confiscated the gold. This is illustrating the entire problem we have today in modern times trying to transport gold as […]

Why Japan is Not Greece or EU For that Matter

QUESTION: Hello Martin There are a few writers who speculate the the yen will be the first currency to fall (because Japan has been tied into QE and flat interest rates for decades already, and their manufacturing is suffering).  How do you think the currency situation will play out for Japan?   thank you   best […]

Greece Wants to Use Tourists as Tax Spies – Just Amazing

The Greek government wants to use students, domestic workers and even tourists as spies, to report on the tax affairs of Greeks. The spies should be covered with video and audio devices. Training and equipment are to be paid by the other euro countries.Tourists who are planning a vacation in Greece and do not want […]

ECB Insanity & IMF Tardiness Tearing Europe Apart Yet they R 2 Stupid to Understand It

The ECB (European Central Bank) decision to strike Greek bonds off its list of accepted collateral caused European shares and bonds to fall out of bed. The ECB’s move is a blunt attempt to turn-up pressure on Greece’s new anti-austerity government. Greek bank shares plunged over 20 percent and the country’s short-term debt yields surged […]

US v Europe Divergence

  A lot of questions have come in regarding this subject. Keep in mind that we have two aspects converging (1) Cycle of War targeting 2017, and (2) the Sovereign Debt Crisis. The first has also the Civil Unrest v International Conflict. This divergence need not simply be just international war, although Obama seems so […]

US v Europe – the Divergence

QUESTION: Dear Martin I hope your well and having a good 2015 thus far. I don’t know whether you planned it but after your post regarding people trying to pass your work off as their own a funny thing happened. I was at a luncheon in London with some so called “important” and knowledgeable figures. The […]

Cyclical Symmetry

I have written before how strange symmetry seems to unfold with the names like the last Roman Emperor having the founder Romulus and the first Emperor Augustus. The same in Byzantium and even the forecasts for Popes. I have explained that it made perfect sense that the first Sovereign Default should be Greece for that […]

The Fed & Manipulation

QUESTION: Do you believe the Federal Reserve, or any such system as it, is the cause for such extreme boom bust cycles or are those cycles inevitable even if the Fed did not exist?,  or perhaps if it did not exist the amplitude of the swings would at least be lessened Do you agree the […]

History a Catalogue of Patterns and Solutions

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Your command of history is really amazing. There appears to be no area you have left unexplored. You bring everything together tied in a neat bundle that makes it all come to life. I showed your account of Julius Caesar and specialists in history have said they have never seen someone […]

The End of 30-Year Fixed Rate Mortgages?

The Treasury Department is looking to wind down Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, but without these organizations, there would be few buyers for 30-year fixed rate mortgages in the secondary markets. The 30-year mortgage was created during the Great Depression as part of the New Deal to help revitalize the real estate market. Prices have […]