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Market Talk- April 5th, 2017

After two days of national holidays, the main Shanghai index opened with strong buying demand with many anticipating positive comments when President Xi Jinping meets President Trump in Florida on Thursday. The Hang Seng also closed positive (+0.6%) but nowhere near the +1.5% seen for Shanghai. In Japan, the Nikkei recorded a higher close but […]

The French Debates – Le Pen Wins = Bullish for Europe – Loss = Devastation for Euorpe

France holds its first round of voting on the 23rd of April, 2017. Unless one candidate wins more than 50% of the vote, the two leading contenders will go to a second round on May 7th. The French Debate took place and of course Emmanuel Macron is who the press is cheering as the victor. We […]

How to Fix Gov’t in 30 days or less & Why do Smart People Avoid Gov’t

QUESTION:  You once said you could fix the mess in 30 days or less but they would assassinate you. How can you ever make our politicians responsible? My second question is, why are the really smart people not running government? KW ANSWER: The term limits are mandatory, but you have to cut off the incentive […]

Obamagate = the new Watergate? Confidence in Gov’t & Press to Decline further

Things are going to get interesting. Of course mainstream media will say this brewing scandal is fake news. Nevertheless, my sources have been talking about this for months now. The Daily Caller now is reporting that former U.S. Attorney Joseph diGenova is talking saying that Susan Rice ordered the spy agencies to produce “detailed spreadsheets” of all […]

Freedom Caucus & Big Bang

I have been warning that we are headed directly into the collapse of socialism; not capitalism, simply because politicians have been bribing people’s votes with all sorts of promises they never planned on providing. Social Security may have began as a good idea, but then the money was really just a tax and the fund […]

Market Talk- April 3rd, 2017

The first topic on dealers lips this morning was President Trumps comment that America is willing to tackle North Korea alone unless China were to apply necessary pressure to address the matter. Asian markets opened on an uneasy footing with early gains seen for treasuries and gold. As the day wore on, both lost their bid […]

The Euro – Up or Down?

The overwhelming view within Europe is that the dollar is about to make a big move to the downside. We warned that the dollar would decline basically to retest the uptrend line. Failing to get through that technical level and bouncing off it, is technically a very bearish signal for the Euro – not the […]

Civil Unrest Engulfing the World

Everywhere we turn, politicians are abusing their power relentlessly because the global economy is moving against their best plans. In Paraguay, the nation’s constitution prohibited the re-election of a president since 1992 after a brutal dictatorship of General Alfredo Stroessner’s 35-year hold on power, which made him South America’s most enduring dictator during the cold war. He […]

Face of the AfD in Germany Looks to Resign

Frauke Petry, the face of the AfD in Germany, is apparently thinking about resigning from politics. She has stated publicly: “Neither the politics nor the AfD are alternative for me.” The 41-year-old politician spoke of an “enormous expenditure of force” and the “farewell to a regular life” being in politics. The polls at the end of […]

Market Talk- March 31, 2017

China’s PMI released a tad better than previous months, but the Shanghai index was the only green amongst the core Asian indices today. Although the Hang Seng lost ground today on the quarter, they have seen around a 9% return at the close. Many question if the market can repeat this type of performance and […]