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Dow for 10-14-2014

  The Dow held the Daily Bearish at 16319. Therefore, if the low of 10/13 holds, we should bounce back into Thursday-Friday. But this would be just a bounce. We can see from the technical chart that once that uptrend line was broken, there was just the collapse. Typically, we would rally back and bounce […]

So When Will We Know?

All year we have been warning that a Phase Transition is coming, but when could not be ascertained until after September 2014. At some point everything must flip. Why? Because this is a Sovereign Debt Crisis not the normal plain vanilla decline. This is why retail participation is at historic lows and liquidity is at […]

The Pending Phase Transition & Cycle Inversion

QUESTION: Marty, I went to cash in September since this was the first time you said there would be a serious correction in the stock markets going into November. Do you think we will get the phase transition into 2015.75 or a cycle inversion creating the low next year and stocks would then rally into the […]

Ferguson – Missing the Point

A few people have sent emails justifying the killing of Brown saying they will prove he was dangerous and on drugs. It really is irrelevant. Aside from the fact there is the little Commandment that says thou shalt not kill with no exception if you have a badge, the only justifiable reason to kill someone […]

Phase Transition – Cycle Inversion

QUESTION: Marty, you have said that the turning points are just that, turning points. So if we get a high or double top the first week of September, will the market still rally thereafter? Are we looking at a cycle inversion here, where the ECM begins to rise while the market declines sharply? If not, then […]

Russian Sanction Destroying European Agruculture

In Netherlands, farmers are being driven into bankruptcy and banks have lent money ti farmers they cannot now collect. In Spain, Catalan peasants burned their crops publicly protesting against the policies of Brussels. They see the EU Strategy against the Russians and their import ban on EU vegetables as brain-dead and misguided at best. A trade union […]

New Contagion

It appears that we are at the beginning of a trend similar to the race riots that started in 1964 insofar as this is against police brutality and abuse. The Reverend Al Sharpton led thousands of chanting but peaceful activists in a march across Staten Island on Saturday to protest the death of Eric Garner, […]

Cycle of War & Civil Unrest

  QUESTION: Marty; Your work on the cycle of war is really amazing. I found it fascinating how war has popped up everywhere in 2014 and then Ferguson hits the same as in 1964 when the race riots also lined up with your model. This too may be a trend and the peak in that […]

Are we on the Verge of Renewed Race Riots with the Turn in the War Cycle in 2014?

There is an old saying that is very important in its depth – divide and conquer. Yes the Black Community is outraged. But have things really remained the same or are we dealing with a new movement of government against the people? Most Americans are at least aware of or remember the race-related riots that […]

Sunni-Shiite Civil War

QUESTION: Marty; Your model correctly forecast the birth of the Arab Spring in 2010 that was 31.4 years from the Shiite Revolution in Iran back in 1979. You also said that the subsequent 8.6 to 13 years would bring rising civil unrest that would emerge into civil war when the War Cycle turned up in […]