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Pensions & BIG BANG

  While I am a supporter of  MATT TAIBBI at the Rolling Stone, his take on the Pension Crisis is really off the mark. Taibbi focuses on the fees being paid to hedge funds as robbing state worker pension funds. What he fails to address is that the taxes are rising on the Middle Class to pay […]

Details of the 2015 World Economic Conference

 Total Cost $2500 per seat This year’s conference will be really the culmination of years of work. We have been able over the years to see what is coming. Well now – it is here. This is the Big Bang. The bubble is in government, not the Private Sector. This is when it takes courage […]

Nothing New in Monetary History

QUESTION: Marty, I gather from your writings that the Romans had corporations, stocks, bonds, futures, insurance, and financial panics. The chart you have showing the collapse of the monetary system in just 8.6 years and the 52 year decline in the follis demonstrate what you repeated from the Bible that there is nothing new under […]

Debt Forgiveness – The Seventh Year

  One does not have to be religious to find ancient texts that are curiously interesting advice with regard to history and economics. Of course the Ten Commandments states clearly that thou shalt not covet their neighbor’s goods. Yet, somehow “socialism” and “Marxism” is all about progressive taxation in every respect and taking from others […]

The Sharp Rise in Hoarding Cash = Deflationary Trend

In ancient times, whenever there was a rise in war or political uncertainty, the human reaction was to hoard money. The hoard of ancient Roman coins 3rd century we purchased for study from Britain years ago reflected coins of both the Roman Empire and the Gallic Empire. Even the debased coinage was being hoarded. This […]

Big Bang is clearly in play – Dominoes Starting to Fall in Debt Markets

Just in case if you have not seen this, Big Bang is clearly in play. The dominoes are starting to fall! Obviously, bearish for the Euro broader-term, but will be interesting to see how the peripheral debt trades tomorrow. The ECB Press release emerged on a waiver of collateral regarding Greek Bonds. The Governing Council […]

Great Depression & the Correlation

QUESTION: Hello Mr. Armstrong, I am reading Hoover’s memoirs to get a better handle on how he saw capital move during the Great Depression. I understand the Great Depression began its crash in October of 1929, affecting global markets for the next ten years. If this is not too much to ask of your time, […]

BRUSHABER v. UNION PACIFIC R. CO., 240 U.S. 1 (1916)

U.S. Supreme Court BRUSHABER v. UNION PACIFIC R. CO., 240 U.S. 1 (1916) 240 U.S. 1 FRANK R. BRUSHABER, Appt., v. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY. No. 140. Argued October 14 and 15, 1915. Decided January 24, 1916. [240 U.S. 1, 2] Messrs. Julien T. Davies, Brainard Tolles, Garrard Glenn, and Martin A. Schenck for appellant. […]

ECB’s Is NOT Stimulating Economy – Its a Bank Bailout

The ECB’s monthly spending will include its existing programs to buy covered bonds and asset-backed securities. However, of the added purchases, Draghi said 12% will be debt issued by European Union institutions and agencies, and the rest will be government bonds – 88%. Given the problem that the banks use government bonds for reserves and […]

Greece – Is there a Solution?

The outstanding national debt of Greece according to EuroStat was almost 320 billion euros at the end of 2013. The question is how can this crisis be resolved? Merkel is tearing Europe apart and her ideas of austerity are in conflict with the very concept that governments borrow perpetually expanding their debt and never repay. […]