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Market Talk – September 3, 2021

ASIA: BNP Paribas’ asset management arm is in talks to form a wealth management venture with a unit of Agricultural Bank of China (AgBank), as the French firm pursues a bigger slice of China’s $19 trillion market, Reuters reported. China further deregulated its financial markets in 2019, allowing foreign asset managers to form majority-owned wealth […]

Fauci our Modern-Day Mengele – He Must be Removed

Now the new Dr. Mengele of our time, Dr. Anthony Fauci, who does not actually practice medicine, has announced that the US is still planning for COVID-19 booster shots to continue. Everyone will be mandated to get one after 8 months. Biden said shots could be administered after 5 months. The entire story is that […]

Schwab & How One Man Can Be So Powerful

QUESTION: Hello, all the world’s leading figures are part of the WEF. But how is it possible that one man was able to brainwash everyone? It seems incredible!!! MG ANSWER: When Nigel Farage spoke at our 2019 Rome World Economic Conference, he said he came because we were the “alternative to Davos.” For years I […]

Market Talk – September 2, 2021

ASIA: President Xi Jinping announced plans this month to spread “common prosperity” in what is one of the world’s most unequal major economies, signaling a shift from his predecessors’ pursuit of growth and heralding a tough crackdown on wealthy elites – including China’s burgeoning group of technology billionaires. China, the first country to succumb to […]

No Animal Studies for the Vaccines

  I find it extremely unbelievable that nobody will investigate this entire scam for what it is. The people behind the vaccines should be dragged in to testify what is going on. Moderna has admitted it took them only 2 days to create the vaccine.  In Texas, they are trying to launch a criminal investigation. […]

The Good News – We Are Starting to Win

There is a private school in Miami named the Centner Academy which took a bold and courageous stand against this COVID nonsense. They decided to defend their students, thanks to Governor DeSantis, against this entire COVID agenda. They have rejected the experimental Gates vaccines and have their own creed to support the physical, emotional, and spiritual […]

Australia’s Finest Politician Setting New Standards for the World

This compiled video sums up Australia’s FINEST Politician and how absolutely insane she has become in the face of this manipulated pandemic for political purposes. I think she must have watched too many Nazi films when growing up and was deeply inspired. This is who the Australian police are protecting. Well, when Australia falls, they […]

Market Talk – September 1, 2021

ASIA: China’s economy stalled this month as the country tried to stamp out a surge in coronavirus cases and contended with the ongoing shipping crisis. China’s economy initially coped with the pandemic much better than many of its peers, recording growth last year as others shrank. But the fallout from the Delta variant and China’s […]

Gates & Our Dark Future

  For months, I have been getting info from behind the curtain where there are still people who are against this entire agenda. I refrained from publishing most of what I heard not that it was wrong, but it was so far-fetched it certainly seemed like a conspiracy theory. This push using COVID for a […]

Gates’ Corruption of Vaccinating the Entire World

From the beginning, Gates said we had to vaccinate the entire world to end COVID. But this is like the flu because it resides in various animals, and it will always mutate annually. Already, COVID antibodies exist in 40% of the wild deer population. Therefore, COVID will be just another coronavirus like the seasonal cold […]