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Ebola Virus – The Next Plague Due 2019?

QUESTION: Hello Martin Please inform if the spread of the Ebola virus is showing up your viewing of the current cycles. B ANSWER: This Cycle of War has been incredible for it is linked at the core with weather, economics, plagues, and natural disasters. You cannot look at war in isolation for its cause is rooted […]

ECB & Negative Interest Rates

The European Central Bank is so out of touch with the economy it is frieghtening. They see that they have a range of options to consider including negative interest rates. What they do not grasp is that people will not invest and start businesses simply because interest rates are too high. The people must see […]

Fake Elections – Part of the Cycle

COMMENT: Marty, You wrote can we trust elections anymore. Same happened last year during the national elections in Germany where the eurosceptical party AFD did not make the 5% hurdle – despite all immediate forecasts gave them much more. All statisticians I know told me such a drop seem to be almost impossible from a statistical point […]

Manipulating Central Banks

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Are we watching the central banks trying to manipulate capital flows as they did in 1927 but reverse with European rates down and America up? I believe you are saying this is the case because Europe is in a major economic implosion. I am correct in this assessment? Thank you from Europe […]

World Central Bank Secret Agreements?

The Reserve Bank of New Zealand hiked its official cash rate by a quarter point to 3.5%. Outside of Europe that seems to be in an economic death spiral, interest rates are poised to rise. The ECB is happy with that for flooding Europe with more euros and keeping interest rates at zero of moving […]

A Market Recap

  The Markets are being bombarded from every direction fundamentally. The confusion is rising and so will the volatility. The euro is gradually declining, the stock market keeps holding, gold really cannot get out of its own way, and the 10 year rates remain low even in Germany. Capital is confused every which way from […]

The Energy Hidden Agenda?

We are getting info from reliable sources that there may be another layer to the USA v Russian conflict. Just as the entire Syrian agenda was to arm terrorists to topple the Syrian government in order to push through a pipeline to cut off the energy monopoly in Europe held by Russia, we may be […]

Killing the Dollar

The recent attempts by the USA to impose huge fines on foreign banks for violating US sanctions with Iran based solely on transactions in dollars is having the same impact as FATCA. The US Justice banking penalties are becoming a threat to the dollar being used in such transactions. While this is unlikely to cause […]

German Municipals In Trouble

Part of our job is monitoring everything everywhere. We are gathering data om whatever moves on a global basis. I have stated numerous times, it is IMPOSSIBLE to forecast a single market in isolation because the wildcard comes from contagions set in motion elsewhere. It is like sunning on the beach and there is a […]

Swiss Proposal to End Private Banking

The Swiss are getting a bad reputation for starting to have some off-the-chain socialist nut-job groups who obviously do not understand humanity, desire to suppress it and control it, and never bother to investigate an issue before blurting out solutions. The latest proposal is to effectively destroy banking completely assuming that leverage is the problem. […]