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Market Talk – January 22, 2016

As they say: “What a difference a day makes”. Dealers were telling us yesterday that they left the sentiment had changed for whatever reason they were calling this one, the Mario Move. Continuing its overnight run into Asian trading eventually easing above the $30 mark it gave the Equity dealers the comfort to take stocks […]

Market Talk — January 20, 2016

Well, today was fun! Asia suffered from the start with heavy selling across the board. Both the Nikkei and HSI closed down almost 4% with Shanghai losing just 1%. Most blamed the IMF down-sizing its growth forecast (from 3.6 to 3.4%) but obviously, the oil price is never far from everyone lips. With WTI closing […]

Market Talk — January 19, 2016

Overnight the Chinese data that the whole market was waiting for actually missed on the estimate (forecast was 6.9 but actual came in at 6.8) but all was forgiven after the PBOC injected more liquidity combined with rumours of additional supporting measures! The Shanghai Index loved the move and returned a 3% daily push. In […]

Why The Theory of Money Does Not Work

QUESTION:  We see that the United States can borrow all it needs at minimal cost and we also see that we’re getting a big boost from falling energy/commodity prices, to levels we have not seen in some 15 years my “economic model” — which is not a computer model but is certainly scientific in nature […]

Goldman Sachs Fined $5 Billion but is Still Above the Law

Goldman Sachs is finally paying a price (money) for the role it played in the 2007 mortgage scandal, but of course, nobody is going to jail, which proves that Goldman remains above the law. The Wall Street firm agreed to only a civil settlement of up to $5 billion with federal prosecutors and regulators arising from its marketing and selling […]

Market Talk — January 14, 2016

There was a time when a 2% price swing used to be something to write about! Asia returned a mixed session with the Nikkei (-2.6%) handing back most of yesterday’s gains. The Shanghai (+2%) recovered late in afternoon trading and finally the HSI (-0.56%) was way off of the opening lows. Early data in Japan […]

Market Talk — January 13, 2016

A mixed session in Asia (Nikkei +2.9% and Shanghai -2.4%) left just the HSI as the deciding factor and that closed stronger at +1.1%. Europe and the U.S. futures were all pricing in a stronger open and until mid-day (Europe) that was pretty much business as usual. Yes, we did see a turn in the […]

The Coming European Revoluition

I have warned that 2017 will be the political year from hell. What I am illustrating here is the link between a sovereign debt crisis and the Revolutionary Cycle. In 1933, Roosevelt came to power in the USA and turned the country toward socialism. That same year, 1933, brought Hitler and Mao to power. So 1934 […]

Intro DVD to Our Models

We consolidated the introduction we have had to do at the World Economic Conferences and are releasing it as a separate DVD so that we will not have to spend time bringing everyone up to speed. It is not fair to those who have attended in the past, so this will be MANDATORY viewing for anyone […]

Using Reversals

S&P500 Futures QUESTION: Hi ! … In assessing a Sling Shot Move vs Phase Transition, you mentioned that “The key will be decided by the Monthly Bearish Reversals.” As the market is currently selling off into one of a few support zones, wouldn’t it be decided by Bullish Reversals? In other words, don’t we now […]