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Why Obamacare is the Biggest Fraud in American History & Was Designed to Be Exactly That!

When we look at the markets and try to ascertain the long-term direction, we must look at politics closely, for this holds the key. First, this is a Private Wave and that means the confidence in government is collapsing. Hence, the question for the direction of stocks, gold, interest rates, and the world economy, all […]

The Coming New Schism within the Catholic Church?

  Just when you though the chaos of the 2016 Elections in the States was unusual, we are witnessing the fragmentation of society at every level and around the globe. There is a trend toward the end of one of these Private Waves and that is the polarization of groups. Yes Democrats and Republicans always […]

Market Talk- March 17th, 2017

  Given the mixed to small lower session seen in the US, the reaction it had on Asia was understandably a marginally weaker theme. Eventually, we saw losses in the Nikkei (-0.35%) and Shanghai (-0.95%) but gains for ASX (+0.25%) and Hang Seng (+0.1%). The geopolitical concerns are still present between China and Japan over […]

The Crash & Burn

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, you’ve mentioned the term “Crash and Burn” many times over the last few months. My question is, what will the “Crash and Burn” look like? Will it be worldwide or specific to a few countries like the US? Will it be in the form of a financial crash, food shortages, violence in the […]

Disgusted with Congress Yet?

QUESTION: I see what you mean that even the Republicans are against Trump. If the NSA is taking all our phone calls, emails, and SMS and the latest Wikileaks shows what the CIA is doing, how is it possible to say that Trump was not monitored during the election after Hillary Tweeted about the same […]

Market Talk- March 15th, 2017

Another quiet session for Asia with closes small mixed. Toshiba was again a talking point after it lost 12% in todays trading with the added possibility that it may delisted. China’s President, Xi Jinping, commented recently concerns surrounding President Trump and his views surrounding US trade partners; guess this will be hotly debated come the […]

Happy Pi Day – Tomorrow is the Ides of March

While today is know as Pi Day, tomorrow is the fateful Ides of March and indeed to Trump we must say – Beware! It clearly appears that the Treasury has been deliberately trying to get rid of its cash reserves which stood at $435 billion before the election. They obviously expected President Hillary Clinton would be […]

Money or Government – Which is the Problem?

QUESTION: Hugo Salinas Price raised the introduction of silver as a duel currency in Mexico. The 1 ounce coin with no number of pesos listed on it (possible no date either) would be a dual currency. The value, like gold and silver bullion, would be listed each day so everyone would know the value. If the […]

NY Prosecutor Preet Bharara Who Protected Bankers is Fired

The Trump administration moved on Friday to sweep away virtually all of the remaining vestiges of the Obama administration prosecutors at the Justice Department. They ordered 46 holdover U.S. attorneys to tender their resignations immediately. Demanding resignations from US attorneys is actually standard operating procedure in the DOJ whenever a new administration assumes power. Traditionally this […]

Real Estate – the Faces of Buyers

QUESTION:  Dear Mr. Armstrong, as a daily reader of your blog I noticed the recent comment on the norweigian real estate market. You wrote that it was capital flight from the eurozone that made the prices go higher. Parking, not speculation, It seemed, in the light of everything, as a very natural development. As the […]