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Financial Panic 142-141BC

  By about 142 to 140 BC,  the Roman monetary system goes through a suspension of the minting of the Roman bronze As. Previously, the silver denarius was valued at 10 bronze As denoted by the “X” on the obverse behind the bust of Roma. The bronze As has declined in weight significantly from one […]

Panic of 1857

The prelude to the Panic of 1857 was indeed the building of tensions over slavery and states rights as they saw it in the South. Tensions began to build toward the Civil War with the passage of the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 which said any escaped slaves, upon capture in the North, must be returned […]

Euro Update

The Euro has been churning back and forth between the US Chaos and the European mess. The Monthly Bullish Reversal stands at 14700. Technical resistance for a possible January high stands at 145-147 followed by 156 and 178. A year-end closing ABOVE 13490 will signal that we should see a high in January 2014. The major system […]

DEBT – PENSION CRISIS – Fuel Behind A Stock Rally

I cannot emphasize how serious a situation we are in on two fronts (1) Sovereign Debt Crisis and (2) Pension Crisis. These are really global problems that are going to explode in our faces. In Europe we have the Sovereign Debt Crisis has spilled over into the banking system since banks were required to have […]

How to Use the Forecasting Arrays

The question of TIME has puzzled humanity for millennia. What is it? Does it flow like a river or is it a simple dimension that can be transversed even traveling back to observe the past? Aristotle was one of the first to ponder what is TIME. His account of TIME in Physics IV.10-14, is where […]

Model Forecasts – We are Getting There

Yearly 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Turning Point T – T T – T Dir Change – – – D – – Panic Cycle – – – – – – Pattern D U U U U D The computer models will be accessible very soon in time for the craziness this fall. This is […]

The Euro

The Daily Bullish in the cash Euro for today’s close are 12977 and 13134. The Weekly Bullish are 13134 and 13433. This corresponds with the top of the technical channels. The monthly levels also show the first resistance at 13140 and 13370. We also have some closing resistance technically at 12996. The Euro on the momentum […]

Cyprus – More than just a Debt Risk

Copyright March 21, 2013 all rights reserved By Martin Armstrong The Cyprus event is the key to geopolitical survival of Europe. There is a substantial difference between Russia and China. Russia lost territory and as such needs to reestablish its “empire” that it sees as territory not economic power as does China. That means that […]

Gold – The Rally?

Gold rallied jumping up to the Daily Bullish Reversal at 1757.7 but closed at 1755.3. The Daily Breakout Line stands at 1779 for Monday. A closing above 1570.1 for yearend will make this the 13 year high on a closing basis. We still have to be careful about 2013, which is a major Directional Change […]

The Risk of Low Interest Rates

Copyright Martin Armstrong All Rights Reserved October 13th, 2012 The Risk of Low Interest Rates Analysis is dominated by simply opinion and therein lies the problem. Economics has become nothing like a science. In physics, one observes and then determines the “LAWS” as to how the universe functions. In the field of Economics and Finance, […]