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Spain Collapsed from the Richest Nation to Among the Poorest With the Help of Debt Not Hyperinflation

QUESTION: Am I correct in saying that Spain collapsed because of debt and not hyperinflation? Thanks; SD ANSWER: YES! The history of Spain is a classic example of economic and fiscal mismanagement. Christopher Columbus was the greatest example of a politician today. He embarked upon a journey not actually knowing where he was going, and […]

Swedish Real Estate Bubble – Peaking 2015?

The IMF warns against financial problems in the Swedish economy. The government needs to urgently curb private debt home buying warns the IMF. If the property prices fall, Sweden threaten economic turmoil. The recent data indicate that household debt ratios are high across all income groups. However, indebtedness among the lower-income households are generally more vulnerable to […]

Pegs & Negative Rates – Do They Differ from ECB

What the ECB has done is the first time a central bank has gone NEGATIVE to try to force people to spend. There have been NEGATIVE interest rates in a quasi situation with attempts to support a currency peg. This has been the case in Denmark. We also saw rates collapse in Switzerland when the […]

ECB Goes to Negative Interest Rates

Mario Draghi, President of ECB, has taken the European Central Bank deposit rate to negative territory. He cut the deposit rate for banks from zero to -0.1%, to encourage banks to lend to businesses rather than hold on to money. This has been in the works ever since Larry Summers floated the idea before. In […]

EU to Seize Greek Pension Funds

The reason politicians are so dangerous is because they will never admit a mistake. Instead, they dig our grave ever deeper. In truth, they act no different from the management of ENRON. The only difference, they are never prosecuted for their frauds. Nonetheless, human nature is the same and just like ENRON doing everything possible […]

Will The Petrodollar Die?

There has been a prevailing piece of propaganda used by the dollar-haters to support this idea that the dollar is really the Petrodollar and that the move in the Middle East to create a single currency like the Euro and the Russia-China energy deal will make the yuan soar and the dollar collapse are just […]

FATCA – Delayed or Realizing there is a Collapse Underway?

While they have been proud to announce that 77,000 foreign institutional have already signed up before July 1st, they did postpone it until July 2015. Nonetheless, the damage has been done long ago when this was passed. The huge fines they are imposing on foreign banks is further undermining the European and Swiss banking systems […]

The Destruction of the World Economy

The Senate subcommittee has been examining tax avoidance by multinational companies. Microsoft Corp. (MSFT), Hewlett-Packard Co. and Apple Inc. have all been the subjects of previous hearings by the panel. The 2013 investigation into Apple uncovered a subsidiary that earned $30 billion over four years with no home for tax purposes. The subcommittee also has investigated […]

EU Commission is Forced to Back-Off from Austerity

In response to the EU Elections, the EU Commission has realized that austerity is going to create massive civil unrest and dissatisfaction with the federalization of Europe. The EU Commission has terminated the sanctions against six EU countries due to excessive deficits. For example, Austria was forced to abandon the entire Maastricht criteria after Hypo […]

Getting off the Grid

QUESTION: Dear Marty, You mention getting off the grid – but with technology –  today – how is ownership of anything ‘getting off the grid’? If governments truly want to hunt down global wealth and tax it – how is owning a house in London or a farm in NZ going to help anyone – […]