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Can The Dow Correct for up to 5 Months?

  A weekly closing in the Dow Jones Industrials below 17722 will confirm that the January correction where we have had that Panic Cycle due in the middle of the month is in play. This will open the door to a retest of the 16300 area. Keep in mind that we did NOT achieve the […]

Goodbye Inflation – Hello Deflation

I have been warning that the analysis portraying we were headed into hyperinflation was really nonsense. That entire idea was constructed only on the hyperinflation of Germany with old-school ideas of money. Much of those theories were antiquated in 1971 when we moved to the floating exchange rate system, yet the overwhelming majority failed to […]

Commodity Contagion

Equity markets around the globe have tumbled on Monday, led by commodity-linked shares as oil prices fell to 5-1/2-year lows and investors fled to the safety of government bonds. The so-called “smart money” is running into bonds and this is what we need to complete the bubble in bonds that will burst for BIG BANG. […]

TIME & Fourth Dimension – Catalyst v Object

QUESTION: Dear Martin: Thanks for all the work, one thing I admire is that you are providing insight in to how the world works by making us think. Honestly, when I read your blog post “Wine industry confirms same trend in Energy” I thought this guy is nuts… then I went back and read your […]


QUESTION: Hello Martin, Been a long time follower, met you finally  in Phlly(I was the big white haired guy in the hallway at he end of the conference), which was wonderful by the way. As we approach the Big Bang, I am tryig to be as liguiid as possible to follow the Capital Flows, so […]

Coming Emerging Market Debt Meltdown

It seems the one primary area that people disagree with the view of the future is the rise in the dollar that is on the horizon. I have warned that in discussions behind the curtain, there will be a move to replace the dollar as the reserve currency. I have also stated that the only […]

Obama to Sign More Sanctions on Russia

President Barack Obama intends to sign a bill that would hammer even new sanctions on Russia and provide weapons to Ukraine. The legislation would impose sanctions on Russian defense companies tied to unrest in Ukraine. White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Obama “does intend to sign” the bill despite some concerns about the legislation. Separately, […]

Russian Ruble Collapses – Conspiracy Or Warning of Things To Come

  The anti-dollar contingent around the world who have preached that since Russia already trades its own currencies independently from the dollar and China has been trying to make the same move, are spinning the blogs claiming this is a “Zionist banker” conspiracy and this proves that all nations are tired of debt making Zionist banking. […]

Where do we Hide? Was Dante Right? Is the End Near?

So where do we go now? It is beginning to look like we just should move to a beach and live off the land at least until government comes in and begins to tax in-kind as did Rome. Anyone with 10% of a functioning brain is starting to connect the dots. We can see 2015.75 […]

World Share Market Crash

The US market has been hit in sympathy because of the chaos outside. This should be expected. We have warned that China peaked in 2007 and is headed lower. The US is the ONLY game in town and the US economy has been holding up the entire world. But the growth in the USA is […]