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The Cataline Affair

The Cataline Affair Catiline was a ruinously debt-ridden patrician with a dangerously unstable character yet possessed considerable magnetic charm, to which aristocratic women and youths were as susceptible as proletarians. Catiline had been Sulla‘s agent and his record was questionable, to say the least. He held the governorship of Africa and his administration of that provence was […]

Edward IV – 1st reign, 1461-1470

Edward IV 1461-1470 Edward IV was the son of Richard, Duke of York. Edward was born at Rouen in the year 1441. When Edward came of age, a fierce struggle between the Houses of York and Lancaster was underway, which would embroil England in a bitter civil war. During this period of turmoil, Edward proved […]


Monetary History of Scotland SCOTLAND David I AR Penny Prince Henry AR Penny Malcolm IV AR Penny William I (The Lion) AR Penny Alexander II AR Penny Alexander III 1st Coinage Crude Portrait AR Penny 2nd Coinage Refined Portrait AR Penny AR Half-Penny AR Farthing Margaret AR Penny John Baliol AR Penny AR Half-Penny 2nd […]


Monetary History of Japan As legend has it, Japan was founded around 660BC by a direct descendent of the Sun Goddess. It is from this basic legend that Japan derives the name of “Land of the Rise Sun.” Japan has a long monetary history which dates back to when coins were first introduced from neighboring Korea […]

Baktrian Kingdom

Monetary History of Baktrian Kingdom Baktria (Bactria), was the easternmost region of all the Greek realms. Located in Central Asia, one of Baktria was one of the Hellenistic states founded by the successors of Alexander the Great. It was situated between the Hindu Kush Mountains and the Oxus River (currently known as Amu Darya) in what is now part […]


Monetary History of Sicily   Naxos Naxos was the first Greek colony to be founded in Sicily around 734 BC. The colonists originated from Euboia (Chalkidians). Naxos was located on the rich and fertile upper west coast of Sicily in the shaddow of Mt Etna. Despite being the first Greek colony, Naxos also lived in […]

Demetrios Peliorketes – 294-288 BC

Monetary History of Macedonia Demetrius Poliorcetes “The Besieger” 294-288 BC Demetrius I Poliorcetes (“the besieger”) (c.337-283 BC) was the son of Antignos I the One-Eyed. He aided his father in what became the epic wars of theDiadochi (dìàd´ekì) [=successors]. In 308 BC, Demetrius I succeeded in defeating Ptolemy I of Egypt in a naval battle off the coast […]

Alexander III The Great – 339-323 BC

Monetary History of Macedonia Alexander III The Great (339-323 BC) Alexander was born to the Olympias and Philip II. According to legend, Alexander was born on the same day as the Temple to Artemis at Ephesus (one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.) was burned down. No one knows for certain, but it […]

Philip II – 382-336 BC

Monetary History of Macedonia Philip II (382-336 BC) Philip II of Macedonia (382-336 BC) was king of Macedonia between 359 and 336 BC. and father of Alexander the Great. Philip was born in the city of Pella, which was the capital of ancient Macedonia. Philip II was held as a hostage by the rival Greek […]

Ptolemy I – 305-283 BC

Monetary History of Egypt Ptolemaic Dynasty Ptolemy I Soter (367?-283 BC) As king of Egypt 305 – 283 BC General of Alexander The Great Founder of the Ptolemaic Dynasty Upon the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC at the age of 32, the newly created Greek Empire fragmented. No one general or heir was strong […]