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Paul Volcker and the move Toward a New Bretton Woods

Paul Volcker spoke at the annual meeting of the Bretton Woods Committee in Washington on May 21st, 2014 (yes once a committee is forms it lives forever). His remarks offer a guide that behind the curtain there are some who see the problems we face in the monetary system, albeit not yet that from a […]

One World Currency- From their Crack in the Wall

QUESTION: Marty, I want to thank you for saving me from the nonsense of the goldbugs. They go on and on about one-world governments and manipulations and that is their excuse for being wrong. They cannot understand even what is a reserve currency or that it is merely the economic language as you say. They are […]

US Share Market & Corporate Buybacks

QUESTION:  You have taught us to pay attention to global capital flows to help us assess market directions and movements… Does it matter from where the capital is flowing? I refer to this short article on US companies and stock buy-backs which seem to be contributing to the upward trend in US equities: Thanks! Yours […]

One-World Government – Impossible / One-World-Currency Inevitable

COMMENT: Hello Martin, Finally you have raised the issue of the “global currency reset.” I have always been of the same opinion expressed by you that in a floating currency regime an administrative devaluation is not possible. What would be the basis of the new reserve currency? A link to a metal or to a (somewhat) floating […]

Can Countries Devalue a Currency Anymore?

QUESTION: What is ‘modern day’ currency devaluation? I have read your articles about the 1930s devaluation and I also do understand what money is (thanks to your writings). I am not sure what ‘modern day’ currency devaluation is and I was hoping you may write more about this subject. I know there is a lot […]

One World Government

COMMENT: I just wanted to say that you are correct. These people who have misled so many with their $50,000 gold and how the entire world is run by some secret dark force are clearly paranoia freaks. They cannot even articulate beyond generalized vague ideas without any connection to reality. They are enlisting philosophical concepts and […]

Hollande Calls for EU to Reduce Its Role

French President Francois Hollande at last got the message. The people do not want more social justice, they want freedom. Hollande called on Monday addressing the French people on TV stating that the European Union must reduce its role and that it had become “remote and incomprehensible”. He at last got the message saying that “[t]his […]

Ukraine Elects Petro Poroshenko with 55% of What & Why

Petro Oleksiyovych Poroshenko (born 1965) is a Ukrainian billionaire businessman  known as the ‘Chocolate King’, He is now the President-Elect of Ukraine. He was elected as President of Ukraine on 25 May 2014 with over 55% of the vote, thus winning in the first round without the need for a run-off. However, our direct sources in […]

Bildebergs Losing Control?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; There are people who claim you refuse to see the obvious that there is a group called the Bildebergs that they insist even Hillary Clinton admitted they do nothing without consulting them. It just seems absurd that these people point to such all powerful groups who control the world in unison yet […]

First Time in British History 3rd Party Wins! Welcome the Rise in 3rd Parties

I have been warning that the economic pressure began in Europe. It began precisely to the day on Pi following the 2007.15 turning point. This same turning point from the previous wave pinpointed the 911 attack. That said, this was significant. I have been saying the dollar will be the last to fall – not […]