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Le Pen soars in French Polls to Top

Marine Le Pen has refused to wear a headscarf at a meeting with a Grand Mufti in Lebanon.  The incident is likely to be well received by their electorate in France. Ms Le Pen in the first round of voting in France’s Presidential elections in April, is expected to top the polls. When she was offered […]

EU Bailout of Portugal Has Failed

  This year, 2017, is the beginning of the Sovereign Debt Crisis. While Greece is popping up on the financial radar, the Euro rescue in Portugal has also completely failed to reverse the trend of the country. There has been no effective relief from the debt crisis in Southern Europe. The debt in Portugal is also […]

Project Veritas has 200 Hours of CNN Audio leaks

Project Veritas has 200 hours of audio recordings from inside CNN and they have asked for help in transcribing everything. CNN is already trashing James O’Keefe reporting he has a questionable background. The tactic CNN has adopted is to kill the messenger since they cannot dispute the leaks the same as the Democrats who blame Russia’s hack […]

Unbelievable How Mainstream Media Has Become Just Liars

  Thomas Friedman of the New York Times demonstrates why mainstream media is just becoming so bought and paid for. You have to wonder if they should not be in prison for attempting to overthrow the government and start a revolution. Here he is still ranting about how Russia hacked the election and asserting that […]

Advocating the overthrow of Government is a Crime

The comedian Sarah Silverman, who spoke at the DNC National Convention for Hillary, tweeted that her 10 million followers should “wake up & join the resistance” to President Donald Trump. She said: “Once the military is w/us fascists get overthrown. Mad king & his handlers go bye bye.”  Silverman should be criminally indicted for that. […]

Democrats in Civil War Against Obama’s OFA?

Of course the brainwashed Democrats send in emails saying Obama is not behind the shenanigans of civil unrest. They just prefer to blame everyone but themselves and live in their little bubble world. They are totally unaware that the Democrats are themselves experiencing an internal civil war and it is the state level Democrats that […]

Obama is the Source of the Coup

QUESTION: Do you think the leaks are a soft coup? HF ANSWER: The Obama administration intentionally set the stage knowing what they were doing was designed to undermine and cripple the Trump Administration. The sanctions on Putin were also intended to prevent Trump from reversing the tension created by Obama to create an international conflict. […]

Trade v Banking – The Real Issue

While CNN and ABC news have turned really vicious against Trump, they are failing to report the real impact of world events that can undo everything. As we head into April/May, we are looking at a real crisis emerging that is beyond contemplation. The prospect of the breakup of the European Union because Brussels refuses […]

When Real News is Attacked by Government – The End is Near

The Deutsche-Wirtschafts-Nachrichten (DWN) has been under attack by politicians in Europe for reporting the truth. DWN editor Michael Maier has sent a sharp protest to the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker. The EU had accused DWN of spreading Russian propaganda with a fake report. Anyone who disagrees to the politics of the EU is […]

Should Independents Boycott Disney for Supporting ABC News that is just Leftist?

The press has really become a total disgrace. The press conference of Trump was fairly straight forward and he took questions from even some of the worst of the worst like CNN. The journalists will not stop. I watched the reviews of ABC news to see if George Stephanopoulos would be just neutral – no […]