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Historic Trade Deal Russia & China – Will this Dethrone the USD?

QUESTION: My question is this: Russia and China making bilateral trade not using USD, China doing so with other countries etc. the buzz now is USD falling from grace. Yet is seems to me that as long as currencies out there are relating in any way with USD, and oil is priced in USD then […]

Why Conspiracy Theories Give Way Too Much Credit to Mythical People

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I retired this year from …. where my boss has gone to these yearly Bilderberg meetings. I just wanted to say that they are indeed as clueless as you report. Quite frankly, many follow your writings for the greatest fear is the Sovereign Debt Crisis and the global hunt for tax money. There is […]

German Politicians Promise Unfunded Pensions Just to Win?

Germany is promising a Woman’s Mother’s Pension  for those mothers whose children were born before 1992. They will be entitled to early retirement at 63. The retirement package includes not only the retirement age to 63 for the accelerated expansion of the Union of pension, but it also offered a slightly improved disability pension. It is to go […]

The Death of Representative Government – The Real Conspiracy – Crisis in Democracy

While people contrive secret groups that seek world domination, the real threat we have is directly in front of us – it is Republican Governments that masquerade as Democracies and are as evil as the Roman Republic that caused the civil war. The propaganda against Julius Caesar has survived to this day and has wrongly […]

Complexity in Trends

COMMENT:  Marty, This is a European reply to the Ukraine / CIA coup etc. discussion. For me, you now hit the nail on the head for we are experiencing both: revolutions AND coups ! Yes, there is global uprising by people against their corrupt government. By the way this is happening in every country, if you […]

London being Forced out of the EU?

The future of the City of London is under serious threat after the European Union’s highest court threw out a British legal challenge against plans for the new EU Financial Transaction Tax. This is most likely the final nail in the coffin of Europe for when this tax is implemented, it is hard to see […]

How far in the future does your computer model project?

QUESTION: How far in the future does your computer model project? ANSWER: One of the fascinating aspects about modeling the world economy is you rapidly discover that the complexity is enormous, yet the outcome is far more predictable Long-Term than Short-Term. This may seem illogical at first, but once you comprehend the dynamics of the system […]

The Deflationary Aspect of the Dollar

One of the most difficult concepts for people to grasp is the fact that a currency is the OPPOSITE of assets. When assets rise, like gold and stocks, this means that the currency MUST decline in purchasing power. This is the standard function of a currency regardless of what it might be. This is why […]

Capital Flows

Real Estate is the choice at this time to get capital off the grid. We are seeing Chinese still buying Australian Property for now and wealthy Russians are looking at Putin raising taxes and the rubble of the ruble as a justification to get capital out of banks and into property. Even the wealthy Ukrainians […]

Investors Dumping Russia

The first quarter figures are in. International investment in Russia has collapsed. At least $64 billion has been sold in Russia as capital flees. This has to a largest extent helped the Euro as Europeans have been bringing their money homes. This trend will continue and will impact most of the Eastern bloc as capital […]