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Gordian III – 238-244 AD

Gordian III 238-244AD Marcus Antonius Gordianus (Gordian III) was born about 225AD. Gordian III was the grandson of the respected Proconsul of Africa Gordian I by his daughter. He was also the nephew of Gordian II. In 238 AD, a rebellion broke out against the emperor Maximinus I, and Gordian I was hailed emperor by […]

Elagabalus – 218-222AD

Elagabalus 218-222 AD The emperor known to history as Elagabalus takes his name from the sun god of Emesa, for which he was made a high priest on May 16th, 218 AD. Elagabalus was actually born about 205 AD as Varius Avitus Bassianus and later became known as “Marcus Aurelius Antoninus,” the formal name found […]

Commodus 177-192AD

Commodus 177-192 AD Lucius Aelius Aurelius Commodus was the son of Marcus Aurelius and Faustina Junior and was born at Lanuvium in 161 AD. This meant that he was the first biological son of an emperor since the time of Vespasian. Commodus was made Augustus and co-emperor in 177AD and accompanied his father to the Second […]

Antoninus Pius – 138-161AD

Antoninus Pius 138 – 161 AD Born 86 – Died 161 AD, Age 75 Titus Aurelius Fulvua Boionius Arrius Antoninus, known to history as Antoninus Pius, was born of a good family in Nimes in the Gallia Narbonensis region (Southern France). Several members of his family had served as consuls of Rome, which enabled him […]

Titus – 79-81AD

Titus Emperor, 79 – 81 AD Born 41 – Died 81 AD, Age 40 Titus Flavius Vespasianus Junior was the elder son of Vespasian and Flavia Domitilla. Titus was born in Rome on December 30th, 39 AD. Vespasian had served under Claudius in his conquest of Britain with distinction and honor. His reward was to allow his son Titus […]

Aulus Vitellius – 69 AD

Aulus Vitellius January 2nd – mid-July 69 AD Born 14 – died 69 AD, age 55 Aulus Vitellius was born in 14 AD. He was a close friend of all the Emperors from Tiberius to Nero. Vitellius served in various positions, not the least of which was the important Proconsulship of Africa. His father was the famed Lucius Vitellius, who […]

Galba – 68-69 AD

Servius Sulpicius Galba  68 – 69 AD Born 3 BC – died 69 AD, age 72 Servius Sulpicius Galba was born in 3 BC. He had served Rome as a very able and well-respected administrator. He had been appointed a governor of Hispania in 60 AD under Nero (54-68AD). There was a civil war after […]

Caligula – 37-41AD

Gaius (Caligula) Emperor 37 – 41 AD Born 12 AD – Died 41 AD, age 29 Gaius Caesar Germanicus (Caligula) was the youngest son of Germanicus and Agrippina Senior and was born at Antium in 12 AD (modern Anzio), some 25 miles south of Rome. the historian Suetonius tells us that he was a tall, […]

Agrippa – 12BC

Agrippa Died 12 BC Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa was of common birth. He was Octavian’s lifelong friend, lieutenant, companion, and supporter. Agrippa accompanied Octavian to Apoflonia in 45 BC, where the two friends learned the art of soldiering. Agrippa was even at Octavian’s side in 44 BC when the news of Julius Caesar’s assassination arrived. When Octavian inherited all […]

Livia- Wife

Livia wife of Augustus mother of Tiberius & the nation born 57 BC – died 29 AD at the age of 86 Livia Drusilla was a woman of renowned beauty in her day. Livia was the daughter of a nobleman named Marcus Livius Drusus Claudius and his wife Alfidia. Livia Drusilla was born on January 30th, 59 BC. Her […]