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WHY are banks Too Big to Fail & Too Big To Jail

There is something much more sinister going on behind the curtain. I have warned that you really are taking your life in your hands doing business in New York City with a bank because NOBODY ever wins against the bankers no matter what they do. This begs the question about why are banks paying huge […]

Market Talk- September 1st, 2017

Think we should just probably forget the Asian session as all were waiting for the US numbers and hoping for some direction as a result. mixed cash session but we are seeing some positive moves in futures following the US numbers. Europe sees the core perform (CAC and DAX both around 1% better) while the […]

The Unconstitutionality of Progressive Income Taxes – It is Time to Force the Supreme Court to Rule to Stop a Revolution in the Wings

How is it possible that we can have legalized class warfare and politicians run on extorting the rich at gun point with threat of imprisonment if they do not pay their “fair share” which is somehow a higher percentage than everyone else and this miraculously does not violate Equal Protection and Justice for All? The […]

Market Talk- August 31st, 2017

A solid day for the Nikkei today closing up +0.7% but have watched yen trade comfortably with a 110 handle all day. Talk in Japan is very much concentrated on Theresa Mays three day visit and the possible speculation surrounding Japan/UK trade deal. There was a sense that todays session seemed a rebalancing after the […]

The Fall Before the Rise

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I find it fascinating that your computer projected August as the turning point this year and the week of 09/04. I suppose that could be a set up for the August being a high close and a crash begins in September as it seems always to unfold be it 1929, 1987, 0r […]

Market Talk- August 29th, 2017

Back to geopolitical risks again today after North Korea spooked markets with yet more missile test, but this time flying over Japan. All Asia markets were hit as a result of this, with a rush into safe-haven assets such as gold, oil and treasuries. Interesting that oil traded heavy even as the news hit the […]

Market Talk- August 28th, 2017

When a major market contributor is away the markets are always quiet but today with the UK off, there really was very little action anywhere. China continued its constructive roll with the main Shanghai adding an additional 1%; with the Hang Seng little changed. Australia suffered a touch (-0.6%) with the decline of financials. SENSEX […]

Market Talk- August 24, 2017

We have seen yet another weaker day with the Nikkei declining once more. It had the opportunity to perform but was dragged lower by Industrials, Metals and Manufacturing. The yens strength throughout the week has seen no retracement and remains close the 109 big figure. Core China and Hang Seng both off-set each other with […]

Market Talk- August 23, 2017

  A quiet and mixed session for Asia as we watched the only real move and that was in the USD. Given all the uncertainty we are seeing a steadier run for the US Dollar, with possibly an arguable underlying bid for gold. The Nikkei did retrace a little of yesterdays decline, closing up +0.25% […]

The Violent Left Toppling Monument to Christopher Columbus as a Racist? The extreme violent left is expanding their desire to overthrow essentially everything and are now attacking a monument in Baltimore to Christopher Columbus, which was believed to be the first one erected to the Italian explorer in America. Italians were discriminated against and seen as all criminals connected to the Mafia. This monument was […]