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Negative Interest Rates & Eliminating Cash – The Summers’ Solution

A speech delivered by Larry Summers at the IMF Research Conference on Nov. 8, 2013, has caused a real stir and is being hailed as brilliant, succinct, and a ground-breaking presentation that explained what many say is the most pressing economic matter of our time. The speech is being widely praised of course by Paul […]

Merkel Embracing IMF Plan to Seize 10% of All Assets

IMF compulsory levy plan will be the largest expropriation of assets in history. These people view your assets as theirs and the entire problem is they are lawyers who justify this in their mind based on the fact that you are merely an unsecured creditor. The EU Commission charged with creating the Euro took the […]

Italy – Continued Political Chaos

Italy has plunged into the political incapacity for over the weekend Silvio Berlusconi,split his own party. Thus, the government Enrico Letta is actually left completely incapacitated for he does not even know who the opposition is any more. Unemployment among the youth in Italy is 40%+. The EU Commission will not even allow any democratic process to […]

Saudis-Syria & Reserve Status of the Dollar

QUESTION: Your insight into the Saudi’s supplying the chemical weapons and arms to the Syrian Rebels long before anyone even had a hint of that was astonishing. I recently met someone in London who worked at your City Office. He said even Margaret Thatcher would ask you what was really going on in Russia. He […]

Why Lawyers Must be Barred from Politics!

  My father was a lawyer. I studied law. When you do, you are not taught how to OBEY the law, but really how to GET AROUND IT without violating the “letter of the law”. The reason I am being hard on lawyers here is simple. They are trained in the law and assume if […]

Death of the Euro?

The feeling in Europe is growing darker by the day. Even the central bankers have been moving into the Australian and Canadian dollars as reserves shunning away from the Euro. Behind the curtain, central bankers are running away from the Euro after the German elections. The rising debt in Europe is out of control and […]

NSA is Really After Money

If anyone believes whatever the government or politicians say is the truth, then you have your head in the sand. Edward Snowden has revealed what the NSA has really been up to. They have access to the SWIFT system of all bank transfers. They are monitoring all money movements everywhere. Anyone who truly believes these […]

The European Debt Bomb – Unbelievable

The solution we have been working on is rapidly becoming the only way out. The amount of debt keeps growing and there is just no way to resolve this mess. Either we go into a massive default wiping out all pensions, or we keep raising taxes and destroying the economy wiping out the youth and […]

Italians Protesting Against America Spy Satellites

About 1,000 people have besieged the American Military Base in Sicily demanding America get out with its huge antenna there. The protest began claiming this spy satellite is harmful to the health of the people. The police were called in to intervene and had to tear gas the protesters. Several 100 demonstrators stormed a U.S. military base […]

JP Morgan Electricity Manipulations

When I first came out and wrote about the “Club” and how there was an organized group of banks and some hedge funds that targeted individual markets to manipulate, they tried to pretend it was sour grapes. I had even hired Robert Howe who may have been the first African-American analyst in American History. Bob […]