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Has the World Simply Gone Mad?

 The indictment of Trump federally confirms what our computer has been warning about for the 2024 election – there will be none – at least a fair one at that. Never has any former president running for office been targeted and the Department of Justice has been completely weaponized. All for documents that he clearly […]

Will It All Explode by the Ides of May 2025?

I know some people send emails alleging I am some sort of Putin supporter. Most of my sources come from inside Ukraine. There is NO government on this earth that EVER has 100% approval of its people. There are ALWAYS two sides just as we have in the polarization of the United States. Many have […]

EU and WHO Plan Digital Vaccine Passports

The European Union and World Health Organization met in Geneva this week to discuss plans for “future pandemics.” Governments and global organizations still want to control the masses with forced vaccinations despite the utter failure of the mRNA vaccine that did nothing to prevent transmission or infection. Still, the EU and WHO are planning to […]

Is BlackRock Responsible for the Woke Agenda?

BlackRock and Vanguard own almost everything you see. BlackRock is responsible for creating the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) social credit score based on a company’s climate policies. The corporate equality index (CEI) is akin to the younger brother of the ESG score and dictates a company’s woke policies. BlackRock and Vanguard, World Economic Forum […]

Market Talk – May 25, 2023

    ASIA:   In April, Japan’s core consumer inflation remained well above the central bank’s 2% target, with a key index reaching a four-decade high after excluding fuel effects. This has led to expectations of adjustments to the country’s massive stimulus plan later this year. Recent data revealed that Japan’s economy, the world’s third […]

Bakhmut falls & Greece Elections Defeat the Polls

 COMMENT #1: Marty, I really do not know how Socrates does it. You were correct. May was a critical target. Bakhmut has fallen not just on the monthly target, but right to the week. It is becoming obvious why the CIA and the bankers went after you. Socrates beats everything even geopolitically. Just amazing. Greg […]

The Great De-Dollarization

All we hear is the same claims that the dollar is dead and it will be totally worthless any day now. Over the last few weeks, all we hear from the majority now is that the dollar is finished. Virtually every page you turn or site you visit claims the death of the dollar. They […]

A Message from the Lost Generation

COMMENT: I am a Millennial, a demographic that never had an opportunity to succeed in America. The existential trauma began in middle school when our teachers huddled us into a room to watch the Twin Towers burn down in real time. We do not remember life before the Patriot Act or school shooter drills. The […]

Neocon Always Lose – But They Are Never Down for the Count

QUESTION: Marty, I am really in shock. You put out the Ukrainian Model and stated in your March 6, 2022 post a year ago: “I have warned that our Model of Ukraine was turning down as of January 6th, 2022. However, in addition to this, we are approaching also the 31.4 years (Pi Cycle) which […]

What will Become Money Post-2032?

QUESTION: Hello Martin, Been reading your writings with keen interest for over 15 years now since while you were incarcerated. My question is: The way you paint a picture of the past economies going back hundreds and thousands of years through the discovery of coinage hoards is brilliant. How will a future “Martin Armstrong” from say […]