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Draining the Swamp & Why the New York Times is Trying to Overthrow Trump

There has never been any president who has been so attacked and hated by the media in the history of the nation. Now the New York Times has done a piece claiming that Trump was handed over $400 million from his parents and he is neither a self-made man nor did his parents pay taxes on handing […]

Trump Throws Hand Grenade into Russian Investigation

  Well, it was only a matter of time. President Trump on Monday threw a  hand grenade into the center of the Russian investigation that was all started by Hillary blaming the leak of  Democratic Party emails on Russia and Trump colluded with them. The Democrats and Hillary then paid to create the infamous dossier […]

Joe Biden – Give Me Money To Defeat Trump & Conspiracy with Deep State?

A very curious thing seems to be going on. A person donated money to Trump, all of a sudden, emails begin to arrive from Joe Biden asking for donations to the Democrats. What is really curious is that there were no emails before donating to Trump. Have the Democrats hacked the Republican donors? If anything, […]

Who is the Fool? Trump or Woodward?

According to CNBC, Bob Woodward reported that Trump told Gary Cohn, the former Goldman Sachs/director of the National Economic Council to just print more money to reduce the national debt. Woodward reports this discussion:   Trump: “Just run the presses—print money.” Cohn: “You don’t get to do it that way. We have huge deficits and they […]

Deep State Using Discredit Strategy to Drive Trump from Office to What End?

QUESTION: With Bob Woodward joining the plot to overthrow Trump, do you think he can survive? KA ANSWER: No. Woodward says he recorded all his interviews. I do not see him as just making this up with a personal opinion. That does not say what he has been told is true. It is unlikely that […]

Trump Threatens to Cancel NAFTA If Congress Interferes

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Do you agree with Trump that if he canceled NAFTA, the United States would be better off? SN ANSWER: Ironically – YES from a jobs perspective, not the consumer. What you have to understand is that these trade deals are all nonsense. They are NOT Free Trade in the least. They are […]

Can Mueller Indict Trump or Can Only Congress Impeach?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You said the constitution forbids arresting a member of Congress on his way to the hill. I have never heard of that. Is this why you warn that trying to indict Trump is constitutionally risky? Thank you for your education HS ANSWER: Yes. To Indict any president is really a risky adventure. This […]

Trump the Person v the President

QUESTION: I know you do not support Trump as an individual. It seems most Americans cannot look at this political crisis as detached as you do. They seem to think anything that says Trump is correct is interpreted as total support for Trump. From the other side of the pond, it looks like Americans have lost […]

Is Speaker Paul Ryan Part of the Conspiracy Against Trump?

The fact that House Speaker Paul Ryan said he doesn’t see a role for Congress in investigating the identity of the author of a New York Times op-ed, demonstrates that this is incompetent or complacent in what is taking place in Washington. This is no longer about just removing Trump from office. This is seriously about National Security. Such […]

How Long Can Trump Survive? The NY Times Aids the Deep State

There has never been a President of the United States who is so hated by the political establishment which is absolutely determined to remove him from office, destroy his empire, and imprison his family while they are at it. The claimed New York Times Op_ed which is supposedly by a high ranking official in the Trump Administration […]