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Gates – Stupid or Diabolical?

  Bill Gates is obsessed with his theory on vaccines and is clueless with regard to the economy and all the loss of jobs. People should lose their pensions, their livelihoods, and crime has already risen by 22.5% in New York City. None of this bothers Gates. Then we have the Democrats who are so […]

There is So Much Professional Dissent Against Fauci & Gates   What is discussed here is the way cycles work. Professor Wittkowski explains that because of this insane intervention to try to flatten the curve, they have deliberately prolonged the crisis and have prevented the majority of the people from building a natural immunity to this virus so vaccines would NOT be necessary, proving […]

When Rumor Transforms into False Facts

It seems that it does not matter if a rumor is true or false. What seems to matter is how it can be whipped up into creating some response just as the coronavirus is causing a global economic collapse. There is probably a no better example of a rumor that led to murder and a […]

Answering Questions

QUESTION #1: Martin, I cannot believe the stuff you do. Truly amazing. I’ve got two questions, should you have any time: 1] if Coronagate is real, do you have any idea who is pulling the strings and why? 2] have you ever wondered why pi features so heavily in your cycles? I don’t know how […]

The Cyclical Nature of Disease

QUESTION: Do you think there is any validity that this was a leak from their biolab in China? HDF COMMENT: I saw the claims that they spliced AIDS into the Coronavirus claiming this was somehow proof of a lab experiment. You correctly stated that was false. But these conspirators do not know anything about these […]

The ECM & the Market Crash

QUESTION #1: Hi Mr. Armstrong, Might the current correction be the set up for the long awaited slingshot move? Regards, BE COMMENT #1: I just wanted to say thank you. I sold out on the ECM and bought puts on the market. You just paid off my mortgage. God bless you! HJ COMMENT #2: Marty, […]

The Greenhouse Effect Can Lead to Global Cooling

There is a new study out that actually is starting to understand cycles. Climate experts have discovered that there is a natural feedback loop that creates the basis of a cycle. It is like the words your mother told you, “Too much of anything is bad.” Many kids would love to just eat chocolate bars […]

Real Estate & Foreign Investment That Drives Up Prices

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Thank you for your free blog–I’ve learned heaps. I believe the greatest disservice a government can make is to allow foreign investment in real estate in their country. I have lived in Canada, New Zealand, and Australia where real estate is no longer affordable for many first home buyers. Inflated prices have […]

Market Talk – February 19, 2020

ASIA: US President Donald Trump has said Washington is in no hurry to sign a big trade deal with India and he is saving the big deal for later on. There was an expectation that India and the US would sign a trade deal next week during President Trump’s maiden visit to Asia’s second-largest economy. […]

How Empires Die

  This special report includes for the first time “The Dark Age Cycle,” which looks into how empires die. Sometimes they just collapse, yet at other times, civilization also collapses and moves into a Dark Age. This report distinguishes all the historical changes that have taken place and the rise and fall of empires, nations, […]