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Diesel Cars in Europe Received Tax Breaks to Compete Against Japan

COMMENT:  Just to give you the heads up on diesels (Source my brother in the Industry). During the 70’s when Japanese were dominating car imports in Europe. France came up with the idea of giving preferential treatment to diesel cars as the French Car Industry was ahead of the Japanese in diesel engines. (the pollution […]

Our European Tour – Part II – Seizing All Bank Accounts Throughout EU

  Many financial firms in London claim to be looking to move to Frankfurt or Paris with BREXIT. They are going to have a very rude awakening. The proposition to demand all euro clearing takes place inside the EU will be the death of Europe – not the rebirth. The dominating position in Brussels among […]

Volkswagen & the Risk Behind the Euro

The scandal at Volkswagen AG over the diesel which began on September 18th, 2015, when the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a notice of violation of the Clean Air Act to German automaker Volkswagen Group. The agency had found that Volkswagen had intentionally programmed turbocharged direct injection diesel engines to activate some emissions controls […]

Our European Tour

Our European Tour this season has been very enlightening including meetings with politicians, corporations and many of the top banks. The concern centers around the ECB having to change policy with regard to negative interest rates. The net result has been to create massive hoarding of cash rather than spending cash for the sake of […]

Refugee Crisis Tearing Europe Apart

The European Commission is close to triggering Article 7 on Poland for refusing to accept refugees. Article 7 is called the “nuclear option” that denies a member the right to vote.  The Commission is reported to be preparing infringement proceedings against Warsaw for breaching EU law over its plans to bring the judiciary under government […]

Google’s Antitrust Case in Europe

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Is Google really violating European antitrust laws to warrant such a huge fine or is this really a trade war? KQ ANSWER: It’s a trade war. Granted, the EU hit Google with a record-breaking fine of €2.4 billion ($2.7 billion, £2.1 billion) by European regulators who accused the California-based technology giant of abusing its […]

Frankfurt- Fate of the Euro Conference

We would like to thank everyone who helped make this SOLD OUT event a success in Frankfurt, Germany. For those unable to attend we will have the video recording available for purchase in the coming weeks. 

Euro Rally

Once the Euro closed above the Weekly Bullish Reversal last week, we have rallied strongly simply on comments from Draghi that a strong Euro is good. It is hard to contemplate his reasoning since this increases the debt burden of Southern Europe and reduces German export competitiveness. His comments that changing police will come September. […]

The Euro Seminar This Weekend July 22nd Frankfurt

This Euro Seminar is being held specially for our European clientele since we did not hold a WEC in Europe since 2015. We will be focusing on the real analysis – just the facts – not opinion. We do not need to be “bullish” because we must be politically correct. Everything moves to a business […]

Private Blog – Euro

Private Blog – The Euro