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Refugees Vacation to Countries they Fled

It is just now coming out that some recognized refugees have been traveling back to the countries they fled to take vacations. This is further rubbing salt into the wound. Merkel’s government has been stupid in dealing with this entire issue from hiding rapes of German girls, betraying her own people, to starting classes to […]

Using SIM Cards To Track Everyone

Thailand is looking to issue SIM cards to all tourists to protect national security. They say they will be able to respond to tourists in trouble, but they are really looking to track everyone because of the rising threat of Islamic extremism. Domestically, you are already being tracked. Google wants to “verify” who you are by using your […]

Artificial Intelligence – Machine Learning

CRITICISM: The Computer has no bias or imput? Which is impossible: a computer needs information or facts to make decisions. Unfortunately, ‘facts’ are often skewed by humans for personal or political purposes. Saying such, however, is to your advantage. If the computer is wrong, you are guiltless. If correct, you benefit as the creator of the […]

Are Central Bankers Coming to a Bitter End?

Central bankers these days are seriously trapped. They cannot now reverse their policies for that means they have to admit that they have failed. This is why the Yellen is not so eager to move to negative rates and has continued to take the view that rates must be normalized (raised). That is far more […]

Hillary Avoids Testifying Again

Federal Judge Emmet Sullivan from the US District Court in Washington has ruled that Democratic Party presidential candidate Hillary Clinton does not need to give a sworn testimony in a lawsuit concerning her use of an unauthorized private email system for her work as US secretary of state. Instead, Clinton must respond in writing to questions submitted […]

Is There Another Snowden?

  There has been a lot of chatter and speculation behind the curtain about another Snowden who is getting things out of the NSA. Now, hacking tools seem to be up for sale. The NSA has been blaming Russia, but Russia would not be selling them. This appears to be another inside job that the NSA is […]

Government Preparing for Worldwide Civil Unrest – Why?

A number of emails have come in asking if we are advising the government since they are now enlisting firms to research a rise in civil unrest. The answer is no! Nevertheless, everyone knows of the accuracy of our computer systems and our cycle of war models. It was the CIA that, after all, came […]

A Review of “Hillary’s America”

I went to go see “Hillary’s America.” When I Googled to see where it was playing, there were a bunch of pro-Hillary sites at the top of the page. Nevertheless, about four down, I finally came to the movie. The movie was different than I expected. It went through the history of the Democratic Party, […]

Where do US Multi-Nationals Hold Offshore Cash These Days?

What are US multi-nationals doing with the $2 trillion they keep offshore? Looking at the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) disclosures shows that Apple, Microsoft, Google, and Cisco Systems hold about 10% of their offshore cash in US government debt, which earns these companies substantial sums in interest. So they are earning interest in dollars while parking money […]

2000 Refugees Sexually Assaulted 1200 German Girls on New Year’s Eve

The refugee crisis in Europe is a real nightmare and the politicians are desperate to hide what is going on. The first incident of sexual assault that finally made the world news was in Cologne, Germany, on New Year’s Eve. Now, a leaked document has surfaced reporting that 2,000 men assaulted and raped 1,200 girls […]