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Sky News Agrees to be Censored by YouTube

Sky News has agreed to be censored to stop reporting and remove all previous posts that there is ANY way to treat COVID other than Bill Gates’ Vaccines. YouTube has become the ultimate censorship mimicking precisely how the communist press aided the Marxist Revolution. When I went to Tampa Hospital, besides telling me that being […]

The Real Agenda – Reply

  COMMENT: Hello Dear Mr Armstrong, In your recent article “what-is-the-real-agenda-with-vaccines-climate-change” You talk about power to be given to the UN for reasons that are cooked up with bad science. I agree, but I also see that this will never fully happen : China and Russia will not transfer power to the UN no matter what. […]

What is the REAL Agenda with Vaccines & Climate Change

This has all been a coordinated effort for the REAL AGENDA which is not vaccines or even saving the planet from global warming. The true agenda is in front of everyone’s eyes, but mainstream media refuses to allow the dots to be connected and anyone who dares to simply open their eyes is immediately called […]

WEF & Davos is More than Just Forums

Many people have asked if I attend DAVOS meetings. The answer is NO! I considered taking a booth there to display Socrates, but decided against it because the overall theme of Davos was the very opposite of my personal views and the forecast of Socrates which says they will crash and burn. The World Economic […]

Why We Will Really Need COVID Passports

Proof of vaccination or of recovery from the infection is increasingly being demanded, not just for international travel but also within many countries. The rising demand for a covid passport threatens our liberty going forward because COVID is certainly no more lethal than the flu and appears to hit the same age group. With every […]

Resistance is Not Futile – Does Our Entire Way of Life Depends on It?

I find it amazing how stupid people can be. Those claiming if everyone just got vaccinated, we would all go back to normal. I know there were Jews in Germany who left early looking at the trend that was emerging and made it to the United States. They told me people were ridiculing them when […]

Questions Presented

QUESTION #1: Do you think we are living in the end times? It seems like they are trying to absolutely control every aspect of our lives with cryptocurrencies to depopulation. Any thoughts? REPLY: I realize a lot of people are drawing that correlation to religious prophecies be it Christain or Muslim. Virtually every religion sees […]

Behind the Curtain

  Jennifer Accuri, who had a love affair with Boris Johnson and obviously knows him very well, has also been out talking about what is going on behind the curtain. I have heard that this drive for 100% vaccination has at its core the attempt to whip society into obedient drones. That is the real […]

The CO2 Propaganda Agenda

COMMENT: You are misleading everyone. Climate Change is real, and the danger is CO2 must be eliminated. Everyone knows that. HV REPLY: Obviously, you just read the propaganda. Do you remember science class? CO2 is vital to the planet. They assume that everyone is a moron. If there were zero CO2, there would be no […]

The Real COVID Agenda Nobody Will Expose

In Germany, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) wanted another lockdown to push forward the agenda of the Great Reset. A secret paper of the controversial RKI boss Lothar Wieler was leaked, which was pushing an agenda to lock down the country again, disguising the true goals, which had nothing to do with health. From the […]