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Market Talk – July 20, 2021

ASIA: Japan’s core consumer prices rose 0.2% in June from a year earlier to mark the fastest annual pace in over a year, data showed on Tuesday, a sign the impact of global commodity inflation was gradually broadening. The rise in the core consumer price index (CPI), which includes oil products but excludes volatile fresh […]

Market Talk – June 30, 2021

ASIA:   China’s debt has grown dramatically over the past decade and is one of the biggest economic challenges confronting the ruling Chinese Communist Party, a major online news agency reported. The pandemic last year hit China’s economic growth and prompted authorities to make it easier for companies to get loans. As a result, China’s […]

Inflation – Systemic & Broad-Based?

QUESTION: Marty, A while back you made mention that there was fear that the dollar would split. I believe this was in the 1970’s, soon after the anchor to gold was lost. If that is the case then it looks like gold reflected that lack of confidence and I wonder whether it really was oil or […]

Parallels in Bankers 1930s – 2020s

COMMENT: Marty, You have written much about the period 1927-1929 dominated by the relationship between Monatgue Norman and Benjamin Strong; how pressure from Britain to keep rates in the US lower was intended to relieve pressure from Europeans fleeing for the US, attracted by our faster growth. It seems eerily similar today, the conditions now with the US, first […]

Market Talk – June 15, 2021

ASIA: NATO leaders warned on Monday that China presents “systemic challenges,” taking a forceful stance towards Beijing in a communique at Joe Biden’s first summit with an alliance that Donald Trump openly disparaged. The new U.S. president has urged his fellow NATO leaders to stand up to China’s authoritarianism and growing military might, a change […]

Market Talk – June 9, 2021

ASIA: China has denounced a US Senate bill worth approximately $250bn that aims to boost American technology and manufacturing prowess as an example of the US hyping up “the so-called China threat,” and accused Washington of attempting to hinder its development. The Senate on Tuesday overwhelmingly approved the Innovation and Competition Act. The expansive legislation, […]

The Most Lethal Act that Kills Governments

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong. I heard you are the best when it comes to monetary history and systems. I found your comment that it was not the printing of money that created the German hyperinflation but they first confiscated 10% of everyone’s assets. My question is this the only such example? I have listened to two […]

Britain to Impose COVID Passports

Honestly, I am at a loss for how the British politicians are standing by and allowing Boris Johnson to singlehandedly destroy their economy and their future without so much as a whimper from Parliament. Britain has lost all sense of decency and is dangerously marching down the path of tyranny not witnessed since Edward Long […]

Supply v Demand – Does It Always Work?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, You say that wheat fell during the Great Depression during the Dust Bowl when supply would have declined. This makes no sense. Would you address that question? KL ANSWER: Your problem is typical in analysis. It appears that 99% of the people always try to reduce some event to a single cause […]

Market Talk – May 4, 2021

ASIA: China urged the Philippines on Tuesday to observe “basic etiquette,” and eschew megaphone diplomacy after the southeast Asian nation’s foreign minister used an expletive-laced Twitter message to demand that China’s vessels leave disputed waters. In a statement, China’s foreign ministry urged the Philippines to respect the nation’s sovereignty and jurisdiction and stop taking actions […]