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EU In Disintegration Mode

The EU leadership is really trying to make Great Britain pay dearly for voting to exit the Community. Like the socialists in America, it’s our way or no way. The left may call the right the “deplorables” but the left are the “intolerables” who refuse to ever consider they might be wrong. The EU thinks […]

Gold – Dow – & the Numbers

QUESTION: Marty; You gave the resistance in the Dow at 20,158 and it stopped at 20,155. Gold you gave a buy signal at the close of 2016. You give us specific numbers to reach for a bounce or a collapse. Gold is rallying now on claims that the latest run up is attributed to the uncertainty […]

Eastern Europe & World War III

  Europe could become the site of a new global war in the East as tensions build there against refugees and the economic decline fosters old wounds. The EU is deeply divided over the refugee issue and thus it is fueling its own demise and has failed to be a stabilizing force. After five days of […]

Market Talk – February 7, 2017

Given that we saw the US markets retreat mid-session from early highs, in Asia many were concerned the full enthusiasm is yet to arrive. As equity markets took a side-step gold was the main talking point after its near $20 rally in late US trading. The flight to quality also saw the JPY retest old […]

Le Pen in First Place So Far

With the election coming up in France, Le Pen is praising Donald Trump for putting his people first. “The European Union has failed,” she declared. She vows to return control of France also back to the people. Le Pen promises to exit the EU, saying it has utterly failed, and place a strict limitation upon immigration […]

Warren the American Indian Minority?

QUESTION: Marty; How can Elizabeth Warren yell and scream at anyone in business when she herself lied and claimed to be part American Indian? Not even the Washington Post would back her up on that claim. She is just an insane socialist who does not even understand Wall Street. ANSWER: Trump called Elizabeth Warren “Pocahontas” […]

Comments from San Francisco

COMMENT: Hi Marty, I am in San Francisco (though trying to move out)….and attended WEC Orlando. In reading the blog recently there is a lot of talk about Civil War and the US breaking up. I have to tell you that the election in San Francisco was pretty much devoid of Clinton or Trump signs anywhere. There […]

Market Talk – February 3, 2017

One of the main topics of conversation overnight was the fact that the Shanghai market reopened, after the week long holiday, to a surprise reverse-repo hike (10bp’s to 2.35%) which resulted in a -0.6% decline in the Shanghai Index. The CNH traded back up through the 6.82 mark but in late US trade saw core […]

CALPERS Trying to Cover-Up Leaks of their Mismanagement

Here is a board meeting of CALPERS illustrating that (1) the majority of the board is totally without any experience in financial markets and (2) they are trying to throw off the board anyone who points out they are in trouble. Pension funds on average need 8% to break even. You will hear in this discussion […]

The United States will become Just the “States”

COMMENT: Marty; I believe you are right. We are headed into civil war and the Democrats and press are determined to overthrow the government. Trump’s ban on immigration was temporary until this can be investigated and proper procedures put in place. It is only a 120-day hold on allowing refugees into the country,  a 90-day bar […]