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European Banks – The Next Crisis – The Unseen Cause in Plain View

The clouds have not lifted from the heart of the financial center within the European Union on the continent. The origin of the next crisis is unseen yet in plain view if you care to look. Ten years since the financial crisis of 2007-2009, the core fundamental problems in the banking sector have not yet […]

The Last Total Eclipse was 2days After Signing the Declaration of Independence So Celebrate Today

Solar eclipses have been observed throughout history. As to be expected, they have often been seen as omens along with comets. We hear if the star of Bethlehem that announced the birth of Jesus and the comet that appeared the night Julius Caesar was assassinated, which has been historically recorded on coins proving his divinity. […]

Socrates Preview Adding to Standard Access

We have added some short-term text to the opening of the Standard base edition of Socrates to help during this immediate market shift going into September. We will be adding an intermediate level soon that will have short-term analysis and then the third level will have the access to the arrays and reversals. This way […]

Steven Bannon Fired – Thank God

Steve Bannon has been fired  from the Trump team, and many are saying good riddance. It was Bannon who has been the  architect  of the most confrontational approach with Congress and has really been clashing behind the curtain. Bannon said in the interview that the main front was China: “We are in a trade war with China” […]

Market Talk- August 17, 2017

FED minutes were the talking point early on and the split decision the market hadn’t really expected. A little more uncertainty thrown into the mix which creates hesitation and a reason to take a little cash off of the table. Throw in the Trump disbanding both the Manufacturing Council and Policy Forum and questions start […]

Market Talk- August 16, 2017

The biggest conversational topic today was the recent USD bounce, as well as the oil price decline. Japans Nikkei held-in as the nervousness returned, but it was the JPY trading back close to 111 that had people talking. Given the US Retail Sales number was so above expectation the market now assumes the FED are […]

Wall Street Banks Stunned At Trump’s Proposed Reform

  Trump’s economic consultant adviser, Gary Cohn, has declared a return to the separation system in the US banking system in effect restoring Glass-Steagall Act which dates from the 1930s and was adopted as a result of the Great Depression yet abolished in 1999 by the Clintons. Trump had already spoken during the election campaign […]

Kim Jong-un Blinks

Well Kim Jong-un has blinked as he has now said he will wait before sending missiles towards the US Pacific territory of Guam. He said he was prepared for “the enveloping fire at Guam”, but he said he would watch what “the foolish Yankees” do before taking a decision. I have warned that the risk was too […]

Market Talk- Aug 14, 2017

Despite a better than expected Japanese Q2 GDP (annualised 4%) the Nikkei fell 1% in thin summer trading. The currency probably took most of the blame for this as it weakened back towards 110 as we head to the end of the trading day. One wonders if the flight to safety argument is finally being […]

Market Talk- Aug 11th, 2017

China really felt the hesitant mood today with the main Shanghai index down 1.6% and the Hang Seng fall over 2%. President Trump really was doubling down on the speech play late US/early Asian time zone and the markets reflected the mood. South Korean KOPSI dropped 1.7% in todays trading and also the SENSEX gave […]