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Monetary History of Ukraine

About 1500 BC nomadic tribes appeared on the territory of Ukraine. One of them was the Cimmerians (9th-8th–century BC), which are mentioned in written sources. Scythians, Iranian-speaking people from Central Asia, in the 7th century BC pushed the Cimmerians from the Ukrainian steppes. Around the same period, the Greeks began to establish the first colonies […]

Obama uses the Same Nonsense as Putin

We are still awaiting panic cycles at the end of the month so this is not over until the fat lady sings as they say, albeit we do not expect military action between any major powers before the October/November time period. For Obama to claim that a public vote in Crimea would violate the Constitution […]

Caesar – Beware the Ides of March – Were the Conferences Targeted to this Period?

To all those old clients asking if we picked the timing for the conferences linked to the geopolitical turmoil in Ukraine as we did in 1987 with the Crash and 1985 with the turn of the ECM, the answer is always yes. We use the model to target when the conferences should be most interesting […]

Is Ukraine Home Free? Will Putin Let it Go?

Russian President Vladimir Putin has now been placed in a very difficult position. As the protesters in Ukraine gathered the support of the police against the mercenaries, they turned the tide of politics for the moment. Putin’s Sochi Olympic moment has been overshadowed by the bloody mess in neighboring Ukraine thanks to the insanity of […]

Ukraine – The Funding Begins – Gun Shots Starting in Kiev

For months before the proposed alignment with the EU, there were signs all over Ukraine pro and con about joining Europe that was a campaign in part funded by the EU to sell the idea to Ukraine. This funding has been CONFUSED with the funding for the “rebels” to engage in revolution that Putin calls […]

US Dollar Holdings Rose in December to $5794.9 billion

Chinese holdings of US Treasurys declined in December by a modest $48 billion. China’s holdings of dollars dropped from $1316.7 billion to $1268.9 billion. The US Treasury holdings by foreign entities increased in December, from $5716.9 billion to $5794.9 billion. This is still showing the rising trend on a global basis for the dollar. The US […]

The Model & The Dogs or War

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Your cycle of war seems to be truly amazing. It was a fascinating read. My question is this. I also understand that 911 took place precisely on the day of your model. Besides your cycle of war predicting World War I and II to the day, has your Pi conjunction that targeted […]

Global Warming Why it is Nonsense

A few people have written to say I have a closed mind with respect to the impact humans can have on the environment. I dare say flip the coin – you are assuming we have the capacity to alter the planet as if we were God. I have investigated this very carefully. Like markets, yes […]

Economic Confidence Collapsing to new lows in Thailand

The local press in Thailand are reporting the collapse in economic confidence among local Economists’ with respect to the overall economy in Thailand. This is the lowest it has ever been in the past three and a half years. Our models clearly demonstrate that we are looking at a continued economic slide especially among emerging markets […]

Corruption in Government is Massive Worldwide

The real cost of corruption runs well into the trillions of dollars when we consider the degree of bribery that even suppresses prosecution of the banks that have abused proprietary trading to undermined the entire world economy. A European report on corruption is out and that puts the cost in Europe at €120 billion, yet the […]