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Market Talk – February 2nd, 2017

Another weak session for the Nikkei but also the Hang Seng came under pressure given global large cap weakness. The JPY saw another reach as a safe-haven with almost another handle change down to 111. However, despite coming close we have not yet traded there today. Dealer were expressing concerns on the move Presidents Trump’s […]

The New American Coup – Media Leading Charge to Topple Government

There is clearly a coup unfolding led by the Democrats and the media. They will not accept Trump and are determined to destroy the government as we have known it. Sally Yates obviously pulled a political move by declaring that she would not execute Trump’s ban of the selected countries. She has no problem arresting […]

Market Talk – January 31, 2017

We saw another weak session today for stocks in Japan as the BOJ kept its position on monetary policy unchanged but selling pressure continued. The main concern remains centred around the US action for immigration despite the explanations offered. The USD lost its safe-haven bid with JPY strength resulting in a push closely breaching the […]

Obama Setting up Shadow Government – Civil Unrest will Lead to Civil War

Former President Obama signaled he is effectively setting up a shadow government declaring he now supports all the protests against Trump especially for stopping the acceptance of refugees settling in the United States. Obama said he is heartened by the level of engagement taking place in communities around the country against Trump. This is all playing […]

EU Declares USA is new Enemy

The European Union’s chief BREXIT negotiator, Guy Verhofstadt, told Reuters that Donald Trump is part of a three-pronged attempt to undermine the European Union. His comments reflect just how deranged the EU politicians really are for they will accept no blame whatsoever for any of their own policies that are dictatorial in nature and have sought from […]

Market Talk – January 30, 2017

Asian markets were weaker today with many Traders explaining that the reason for the market jitters was around President Trumps immigration policy and the consequent rally in the safe-haven currencies such as US Dollar and the Japanese Yen. The Nikkei lost around -0.50% despite the fact that volumes were heavily reduced with many of the […]

California Dreaming

COMMENT: Sir, Thanks for all you do. As you have been teaching, do the math. What would be the financial implications of CALIEXIT be? In other words , how much would the rest of the country save if we voted California off the island?  You have already enlightened us to the fact that they asked behind […]

California files Petition to Secede from USA – CALEXIT

A proposal for California to secede from the United States was actually submitted to the Secretary of State’s Office this week. The proposed “CALEXIT” proposition plans to ask voters to repeal part of the state constitution that declares California an inseparable part of the USA. Recent polls found that one in three California residents want to […]

Refugees Gang Rape Swedish Girl & Broadcast on Facebook

Many people in the United States are outraged that Trump is requiring people from certain Muslim countries to be cleared before entry. Yet, these people are clueless. Even Former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright who wants to defend immigration fails to get the issue. In Sweden, three refugees gang raped a girl for three hours […]

2017 Outlook Report Provides an Overview of the World Economy

The 2017 outlook report provides an overview of the world economy by connecting the dots globally.  We have looked at the Trump Rally or Trump Bubble that dominates the financial headlines as well as the question of Free Trade coming under assault by Trump and the rising trend of protectionism. We have paid close attention to Greece […]