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Creating a Natural Hedge

QUESTION: Sir, like many others I was fleeced with the gold as money story and took my losses and moved on, particularly as I ingrained the principles of investing and practise the discipline of day trading – that of obeying the buy/sell signals and not falling in love with the trade. As a resident of Switzerland […]

The Real Threats of 2014

We are facing 2014 perhaps with blinders on as a society. Western investors have largely ignored the trend in Europe, Japan, and China and are more likely than not going to be dramatically surprised. In Chine, the high in the Shanghai market remains 2007 and new lows are still possible going into 2014. The cash […]

The IMF & The Destruction of Capital Formation

  One question that rises to the surface immediately with the IMF proposal to confiscate 10% of everyone’s bank accounts in Europe, is what will this do to the Euro. Will the Euro rally or fall? The overwhelming misguided Dollar Haters who have preached the end of the dollar and rush out and buy gold […]

What About Britain?

QUESTION: Do you see IMF appropriations for non-Eurozone countries like Britain? Or was it solely the Eurozone mentioned in the plans. Surely they would rather devalue their currency than something like this in Britain? Not sure the Brits would put up with this. Do you remember the Poll Tax riots suffered by Thatcher? Best regards, […]

What About Croatia?

QUESTION: Hi, Mr Armstrong, when You said “they will confiscate 10% of everyone’s accounts in Europe” did You mean also Croatia? Regards ANSWER: Sorry to say – you will be included. This was one of the factors that also persuaded Ukraine to turn away from Europe. The problem is this mixture of German austerity (deflation) and […]

Iceland – The First to Fall – The First to Rise

QUESTION: Greetings from Iceland! Thank you for all the material you post on your blog! I wish I had come across your writings 40 years ago instead of just recently. Does your model include data and predictions for Iceland? Did it predict the collapse in 2008? What is the outlook for the next few years […]

Economic Collapse is Structural Design Flaw Requiring No Conspiracy

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I think I understand that what you are saying conspiracies are irrelevant because the system is self-destructing all on its own. You wrote: “They do not need some sinister group to orchestrate the collapse of the economy. Politicians screwed that up ensuring its demise without intentionally adopting such a scheme.” Am I […]

New World Order – Collapsing Economy

QUESTION: You do not believe in the New Work Order and the bankers orchestrating the collapse of the economy? JP ANSWER: Sorry no. The banks are in serious retreat. They have been caught manipulating various markets for short-term gains. They have to abandon commodity trading and Morgan Stanley just sold the energy trading to Russia. […]

New World Order

Some people seem to think there is a serious plan to create a New World Order with a single government. You cannot even get Congress to agree no less the European Union. Yes, the theory was to unite Europe and that would eliminate future war. In reality, it shows a single entity is impossible and […]

Taxing Financial Transactions – Why Did Interest Rates hit 200% in 1899

The European idea of taxing financial transactions is nothing new. The EU aims to tax financial institutions a minimum of 0.1% on purchases of shares, bonds and other securities, and a minimum of 0.01% on the notional amount of derivatives traded either on- or off-exchange. Historical evidence indicates that this will discourage foreign investment while increasing […]