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The Flight to Quality – Right on Target

China’s devaluation of the yuan has helped to complete the cycle for the bubble in government. One of the major repercussions of the turmoil caused by China’s currency move has been that investors are running for the flight to quality as we have warned. German 2yr bonds have hit new record lows with negative yields edging […]

India & New Highs

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; It is wonderful that you have come to India. I only regret that you are not conducting an open conference here in Mumbai. I appreciate that your trip is only to visit the biggest institutions here in India and that is great that they receive you to help our country. I wanted […]

Hello from Mumbai/Bombay

I received a lot of emails after announcing that I would be in India this coming week. Here I am, updating from Mumbai, which was Bombay up until 1995. Mumbai is the 9th largest city in the world and home of the most expensive house in the world, located right here in the heart town. Mumbai […]

Economists Say Trump is Wrong

Yahoo reported that economists deny Trump’s ability to bring jobs back to America from China and other countries. Well, the economists are wrong. All it would take is a repeal of the income tax. Nearly half of the cost of labor is taxation. If you want to create jobs, cut the income taxes. That does not mean […]

Gold & the Commodity DEFLATIONARY Wave

Gold remains extremely weak. We need a daily closing above 1108 to say the low is temporarily in place and a bounce back up is possible. The 1080 level is critical support on a daily closing basis, and it remains possible that gold can break to the downside moving into September if the July low […]

NSA: A Tax & Economics Espionage Agency

Anyone who thinks this is about terrorism is pathetically naive. The NSA is a top-notch Tax & Economic Espionage (TEE) organization; with terrorism so low on the agenda, it is laughable. You do not collect every phone call worldwide of billions of people to sort out even 100 terrorists. They store all that data and can input your name and […]

The Risk of Real Estate – Forget Derivative & Fiat

The asset class within tangible assets in the immovable category is none other than real estate. This greatly varies from one location to the next. We face two main problems with real estate because we are facing a major Sovereign Debt Crisis. First is the fact we have a problem with leverage reflected within interest rates. While many tout […]

Buy the Rumor and Sell the News

The more people open their minds and observe our model, the more their eyes open and begin to see the how the world economy is interconnected. Our model on the Dow pinpointed a high for the week of July 20 with a Directional Change and a two-week trend into the first week of August. Curiously […]

The Flight From Gold – A Fall From Grace

Why have gold investors taken flight from gold as it falls from grace? The sophistry that has fueled gold is being exposed. The gold promoters spun their latest tale by raising unrealistic high hopes for China as their savior as they were buying gold and would use it to back their currency. They tout that […]

Fed’s Leaked Internal Forecast into 2020

COMMENT #1: Marty, I can see why the government said you manipulate the world. The countless people who plagiarize whatever you and your computer forecast is unbelievable. There are people claiming the world will end on October 1st to others trying to pretend they have the same model giving the date as October 7th. Then […]