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Depression Never Ends At the Same Time For Everyone

QUESTION: Hello Martin. A few months ago you wrote: Greek Depression Will Not End until 2020 I have explained the Golden Rule of Corrections. Once you extend in anything beyond a time unit of 3, you are then in a change in trend. The Greek recession, and most of the Western World, began in 2007. […]

When they Hang Bankers – The New “Financial Terrorists”? Beware!

In Iceland, they actually imprisoned the top four bankers that some call the “financial terrorists” that ruined the country. This is establishing a trend that we will indeed see materialize even in the USA after the 2016 Presidential Elections. Riots against bankers have been frequent throughout history. I have stated before that the term Black […]

Yuan & the Death of the Dollar? Good One!

QUESTION: Is this story that the dollar is dead because products will begin trading in Chinese Yuan in Singapore and Hong Kong have any validity or is this more propaganda to covertly sell gold? Thanks RG ANSWER: It is exaggerated propaganda. We monitor capital flows and the flows through Swift transfers. I reported that the […]

How to Interpret Consecutive Directional Changes

QUESTION: Martin – how should consecutive “Directional Change” indicators be interpreted? Regards, DR ANSWER: Normally this type of pattern produces just a sideways churning back and forth. This is why in the Euro there has been nothing to write about. It is just a deflationary contraction. The dollar rose sharply between 1980 and 1985 also 1929-1932. […]

Greece To Default in 2014 – Cycles of War – Presidential Elections 2016

  As we enter 2014, we may see Greece simply enter a default on its debt. This whole Euro nonsense is collapsing and we will have the May Elections in 2014 for the EU. Of course, even if the people voted for reform, the EU Commission has entered rules that even if the ELECTED politicians […]

Deflation Causes a Currency To rise

  The so-called Flight to Quality is the shift in money flows from one sector to the other that traditionally is reflected in the currency. The inflationary boom into the 1980 crashed and burned into 1985 sending the dollar to records highs for the century. Money moves from PRIVATE to PUBLIC and that is where […]

Why Switzerland Is A No Go

COMMENT: “Switzerland is caving in all over the place. I just got notified the IRS wants to look at my 2008 return because I was a partner in a company back then that had a perfectly legitimate business account at UBS back then. Statute of limitations is up on my return, so I have reason […]

Bubble in Stocks?

The Amazing thing is people are already talking about this is a BUBBLE that is unsustainable. They are now claiming household income is down 4% yet the S&P 500 is up 70%. They are incapable of any real analysis. The RETAIL investor is NOT involved in this market. There is no wild speculative fever. They […]

War – Plagues – Earthquakes

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Are you also going to update your report on weather, earthquakes, and plagues? I think the last time you did that was for the 1985 Conference. I do not recall the target, but I think it was 2020 on the plagues. Is that correct? I cannot find my materials. ANSWER: We do […]

Cycles of War

This is a special report that so many have been asking for as we head into this turning point in 2014. It is vital to understand this cycle and what it means for herein lies the fate of gold and the Dow Jones Industrials not to mention the Euro and European markets. This report covers […]