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Greek Parliament Approves July 5th Referendum

Greece’s parliament voted early Sunday in favor of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras’ motion to hold a July 5th referendum on creditor proposals for reforms in exchange for loans, with the country’s future in the Eurozone/Euroland looking increasingly questionable. The greatest problem is that the share market is showing that exiting the euro will be the […]

Greece Wakes Up – It is About Democracy

The Eurozone, or Euroland, is now getting ready to deal with a Greek debt default next week after refusing to extend credit following Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras’ surprise announcement of a referendum on an offer from creditors that the people in any real democracy should have a right to vote on. Brussels prefers dictatorship and […]


COMMENT: Hi Martin, I like your idea of capping government spending at 5% of GDP.  I also agree that simply increasing the money supply would work just fine instead of destructive taxation. However, your plan still assumes that we’ll have benevolent politicians in charge who actually give a damn about the nation. The Founding Fathers […]

The Solution – the ONLY Solution

QUESTION: Can you please explain how your Solution is different than what Central Banks around the world are currently doing  and appear to be poised to expand on?  And how it changes anything? As I understand it your plan is to exchange all national/soverign government debt for private equity credits, which smells alot like a […]

The Revolution Around the World Will Not Be Televised

COMMENT: Hey Marty, Hope you are well. The Spanish police are crazy – they now stop all cars (including taxis) at night on the road out of town to make sure people are not drunk.. good idea you might say, but they are actually checking the passengers and ‘fining’ them if they have had one […]

Administrative Law Judge Confirm Corruption Inside CFTC Courts

There are those who may think I criticize the courts too much, or that the Administrative Legal System corruption may be a personal opinion. Now, even the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) Administrative Law Judge, George Painter, recognized the corruption in his own court system. Painter sent a scolding letter announcing his retirement highlighting the […]

Money, Credit, Debt, and Derivatives

QUESTION: Mr Armstrong; Reading through you blog it seems the chronology of money begins with derivatives, credit/debt, and barter with coinage coming in much later in the historical record. You have traced the workings of the business cycle back further than anyone else. Am I correct in what I have pieced together reading your blog […]

Gold – the Hedge Against Government

I have stated countless time that gold is NOT the hedge against inflation, hyperinflation, the anti-fiat antagonist against the dollar, or manipulation that keeps gold down; paper gold suppresses the price, and anything of the sort that amounts to promotions or excuses. Gold has followed the deflationary trend in commodities, if you haven’t paid attention to oil, […]

The Money-Debt Paradox

QUESTION: Dear Martin, if bonds are beginning to crash in 2015.75 , is there anything that prevents central banks from printing even more money and buying bonds as many as governments needs?  Can’t they basically print unlimited amounts of money, thus preventing the crash? Best regards from Germany, AM ANSWER: You are making the logical […]

2015.75 = The Crash in Government

To set the record ABSOLUTELY straight, the “C R A S H” we see on the horizon is by NO MEANS the private sector and the stock market. It seems just using the word “crash” leads people to assume we are talking about another stock market crash. Interestingly, inaccurate reports have said that I have said that were will be a “stock market […]