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Swiss Proposal to End Private Banking

The Swiss are getting a bad reputation for starting to have some off-the-chain socialist nut-job groups who obviously do not understand humanity, desire to suppress it and control it, and never bother to investigate an issue before blurting out solutions. The latest proposal is to effectively destroy banking completely assuming that leverage is the problem. […]

Confusing Share Market

In the short-term, we still have the risk of a modest correction. There is typically the false move before the breakout. There is little question that there has been low volume over the past couple of years with light on up days and higher volume on down days.  This has been the constant attempts to […]

The Press Keep Talking The Market Down – Historically this is Very Bullish Indeed

I have warned about how the press had constantly written negatively about the rising stock market during the 1920s.  Once again, the press are now hanging on the hope that the Fed will start to raise rates to justify their bearish bias swearing the market cannot be justified at these highs. However, I have shown […]

Christine Lagarde – The Most Dangerous Woman in the World – IMF Advocates Taking Pensions & Extending Maturities of Gov’t Debt to Prevent Redemption

I have gone on record that the most dangerous organization is the now French led IMF with Christine Lagarde at the helm, which has presented a concept report that debt cuts for over-indebted states are uncompromising and are to be performed more effectively in the future by defaulting on retirement accounts held in life insurance, mutual […]

Argentina Fights Back

The default in Argentina, as with everything, has two-sides to each crisis. Argentina has been placing advertisements in the US Wall Street Journal and overseas in the leading newspapers of Europe with the headline – “ARGENTINA WANTS TO CONTINUE PAYING ITS DEBTS BUT THEY WON’T LET IT”. This brings up an interesting question with the […]

Bank Runs in Bulgaria

The financial system is simply imploding because those running the affairs of government are more concerned about retaining power than providing economic stability. There are people who are so polarized on each side of many issues from hyperinflation, global elites, socialists hating the rich, communists who see capitalism as evil, and politicians who blame tax avoiders. […]

Why The European Banking System is Doomed

QUESTION: Hi Martin You said, that the creation of the Euro was the second worst act. “That undermined the entire European banking system and has led to a serious undermining of the entire global economy.” How has this undermined the entire European banking system. Could you explain this? Thanks so much! Regards WI ANSWER: The problem […]

Welcome the Federalization of One Europe to Save the Euro

COMMENT:  Hello Mr Armstrong, just want to share with you an interview today with Mr Draghi in the Dutch newspaper ‘De Telegraaf’ (June 21st 2014). I had google translated the text but made some modifications here and there. Hope you can still understand it. Draghi wants more power to Brussels, that’s quite clear from the […]

Sovereign Debt Crisis Beginning

Argentina has bluntly stated it cannot make the next bond payment. The exist fees being attacked to long-bond funds is also the realization that our models are spot on. I am off to urgent meetings in Europe. All I can say is our phone has been red-hot. Equities are rapidly becoming the new international gold […]

Canada – the Sneak Preview

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong – The Liberal majority was no surprise – they are still the best political machine in the province.  They promise no deficit in 2 years – well that’s smack in the middle of  2016, so good luck with that.   What worried me was the militant advertisements by the Ontario Provincial Police […]