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Ukraine Maybe The Most Important Country To Watch

The history of Ukraine is incredibly important in the entire Cycle of War. A full update on the Cycle of War is just about ready. Kiev was originally the first capital of Russia that was invaded and destroyed by the Mongols in 1240. It took nearly 100 years later for Moscow to rise as a […]

Dow 32,000 or 20,000?

QUESTION: Dear Mr Armstrong, I hope you and your family are well. Before I ask my question you are a hero of mine and a champion of the little guy and for that I commend you. It would have been easy to come out of jail and not help the general public and advise very […]

Gold – Hedge Against Making Money?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I really appreciate your comment “– YOU ALWAYS ASSUME YOU ARE WRONG. Why? That forces you to constantly double-check everything four times.” Thank you for causing me to question my assumptions regarding the markets and specifically PM’s.  I can see know that I was holding gold for all the wrong reasons while […]

Gold – Beating a Dead Horse

QUESTION:  Hello Mr. Armstrong, I understand your thoughts on manipulating against a trend, but with gold being halted for the 4th time in 3 months by large sales orders placed during illiquid hours, does there come a time when you can say, “OK, something fishy is going on here.”? Banks have been caught manipulating energy, aluminum and […]

Tax Revolts and that 309 Year Cycle

QUESTION: Sir, I enjoy reading your writings and find them extremely thought provoking, and ultimately very common sense to me. I have to say though Iam not sure about your assertion that governments will tax and tax. I believe they are trying, and will continue to do so, but take a look at the upheaval […]

China & the Dollar

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; It is true that China will stop supporting the dollar and will become a net seller? The Goldbugs are claiming the dollar is dead buy gold. But they seem to use every reason to justify only buying and it rarely proves to be true. If there’s anyone who knows what is really […]

Congressional Hearings on BitCoin

On Monday, Congress held its first congressional hearing on virtual currencies focusing on bitcoin. As Congress discussed bitcoin, the price of one bitcoin soared to more than $750 apiece. Overlooked was the concern focused on anonymity and lack of regulation. Personally, it is hard to imagine a world where they will allow bitcoin to survive when they […]

Merkel rejects referendums in Germany

The Crisis in DEMOCRACY Continues. The European politicians are scared to death to allow citizens to votes. Angela Merkel has rejected any more direct referendums in Germany. Merkel is outright against any further democracy in Europe. This is the real reality. The end of democratic processes that goes hand in hand with the final stages of […]

France Economic Numbers Show Decline 3rd Quarter

The Socialists just cannot get past being angry that someone else has more than they do. Unfortunately, all they think about is how to take the money of anyone who produces to hand it to those who do not.They cannot understand how the economy then declines under this policy. Someone who wins the lottery and […]

Gold & the 1974 Memo

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Thank you for your valued forecasting and the clarity that you add to deciphering the cyclical nature of those things which govern our world. I am always amused by the arguments surrounding GOLD raised here and on other sites. I tend to hold around 10% of my portfolio in precious metals and […]