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Bank of England to Raise Rates – Not Lower

The head of the Bank of England, Mark Carney delivered a speech at the “Lord Mayor’s Banquet” in London’s financial district with the surprise announcement of an interest rate reversal. United Kingdom This is a departure from the policy of the ECB. Primarily, the British economy was saved by staying out of the Euro. The significant […]

The Debt Bubble & Big Money

The trends in global debt are interesting to say the least. There are major shifts in debt that people are not really paying attention to. Chinese companies actually borrow more than their American counterparts topping $14 trillion in corporate-debt markets. Then there is the shift in public funds that present an interesting situation for the current […]

Goldman Beats Lawsuit – Judge Says It was Buyer’s Fault

As if we did not see this one coming. Goldman Sachs, the untouchable firm, won dismissal of a suit over $450 million in residential mortgage-backed securities. The New York judge amazingly shifted the entire burden of responsibility in fraud to the buyer. It was not Goldman Sachs’ fault, the judge said that the firms that […]

French say 60% of National Debt is Illegal – Default Anyone?

I have been warning that there will be no solution without a massive debt default. This is simply the way it has historically always gone down. Public debt, which is strangely considered quality, has been actually the worst that can possibly exist. Simply stated, no government has ever paid its debt except the single exception […]

George Osborne vows to Charge Banks & Traders Criminally For Manipulations

Chancellor George Osborne in Britain said he is going to announce a crack down on banks and traders. The jig is up as they say.turned. These measures are reported to include making the manipulation of the foreign currency markets by banks a criminal offence. In his annual Mansion House speech, Mr Osborne will pledge the extension […]

So Smart – They Always Get it Wrong

QUESTION: Marty; Virtually every so-called analyst on TV has missed the US stock rally. When they asked … how does it feel that he missed the rally, he said he didn’t miss it because he was in a foreign market not US. Then he said once the Fed cuts off all of its QE stimulus the […]

Stock Market – Has the Bull Been Replace with the Pink Bunny?

QUESTION: Marty; I do find it curious how Barron’s quoted your forecast for new highs in 2011, and you seem to be the only person who was correct, yet they constantly turn to people who have never been right to talk bearishness about the market. You once wrote that the Wall Street Journal refused to […]

The Rise of Nationalism – Just Part of the Cycle

Last November I warned that as part of the cycle turning up in war and civil unrest in conjunction with the Sovereign Debt Crisis, we should Expect Riots & Rise of Nationalism After 2015.75 To Pick Up Steam. Because Greece is where this cycle began on the Pi turning point from the 2007.15 high in the […]

Negative Interest Rates Coming to USA – But Wait! Banks or You?

QUESTION: Martin, Continued blessings for publishing your remarkable insights.  Will the banks pass on their negative interests rates to the depositors? What will be the effect of depositors removing their cash from the banks? Thanks M ANSWER: In the US, the talk behind the curtain is to impose negative interest rates on the consumer. Banks have […]

The $19 Trillion in Retirement Accounts

QUESTION: Thank you for your blog.  You put a lot of work and knowledge into it.  Again, thanks. When you talk about $19 Trillion in pensions in the USA I take that to mean “pensions.” But then you said “retirement accounts” or retirement savings”, which may include IRAs. Do you foresee all forms of tax-advantaged savings […]