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Deflation – The Great Equalizer – Now Greece? Was There a Different TESTED Response in History? YES!

Deflation remains a mystery for many because they just cannot grasp the fact that money supply can increase while prices decline. Their heads begin to spin around and they spit out green pea soup because it is not supposed to happen in their mind. During deflationary trends, money supply can still increase but the contraction […]

Saudi Arabia – Behind the Veil

It is becoming more apparent to the world that indeed it was Saudi Arabia behind the Syria event and now they are pissed-off at the US for not invading so they get their pipeline. Oil has been used as a political weapon, but as the US is emerging as energy self-sufficient, the power the Saudi’s […]

The Shift from Bonds to Stocks

PIMCO lost the mantle of the largest fund as capital withdrawals reached $38 billion this year as money moves to equities. The largest fund is now Vanguard. This is part of the cycle shift. While there is likely coming a near-term correction, everything is still pointing to capital flight from bonds and banks into equities. […]

Merkel Embracing IMF Plan to Seize 10% of All Assets

IMF compulsory levy plan will be the largest expropriation of assets in history. These people view your assets as theirs and the entire problem is they are lawyers who justify this in their mind based on the fact that you are merely an unsecured creditor. The EU Commission charged with creating the Euro took the […]

Washington Maxim Number One & The Obamacare Disaster

Obama’s signature “achievement” is Obamacare and no matter how dysfunctional it is, the Democrats will never admit its failure and we will spend more and more money trying to hide the flaws. Obamacare is both incompetent and fraudulent for it has been marketed like any lawyer crafts disclosure with exceptions. Obama only promised you could […]

Trying to Outlaw Speculation

In Switzerland, it is a far more democratic process than in the USA. You need 100,000 signatures to create a proposition to alter the Constitution that then is put to a general vote for the people. What is going on is that the Socialists have gathered about 130,000 signatures to ban speculation in commodities. We […]

Italy – Continued Political Chaos

Italy has plunged into the political incapacity for over the weekend Silvio Berlusconi,split his own party. Thus, the government Enrico Letta is actually left completely incapacitated for he does not even know who the opposition is any more. Unemployment among the youth in Italy is 40%+. The EU Commission will not even allow any democratic process to […]

Saudi & Russia – The Corridors of Power

One of the things that the hard money crowd overlook is the dollar and oil. In fact, Russia and many other OPEC countries have often used oil as a political weapon. To a large extent, they became masters of the world behind the curtain. However, the USA began to wiggle free and is now possibly […]

Secret Session Approves Urgent Spending in EU to Prevent Default

Anyone who thinks that the US debt is the only problem had better starting looking around the globe. European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso on October 21st has made a desperate plea for extra cash to keep the institution afloat warning that the EU Commission would be technically bankrupt “by mid-November.” While the opening the European […]

What About Gold – Hoarding – & the Reserve Dollar Status

The Debt Ceiling Crisis has done far more damage than anyone suspects. It has drawn attention to the Sovereign Debt Crisis by highlighting the national debt and then the “Conservatives” are targeting the Republicans who voted to end the shutdown. While it may be admirable that someone is trying to address the debt crisis, shutting […]