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Market Talk – January 9, 2017

The demand for safe-haven JPY returned with a vengeance today even though Japan was on a national holiday (Coming of Age Day) but in the futures markets the Nikkei lost almost 1.3%. The Yen traded stronger all day and in late US trading was seen slightly under the 116 level. Both the Shanghai and Hang […]

The Overview

The Dow made a new high on Friday, but we failed to closed above the 2016 high. We still see the next major resistance level in the 21000-23000 area. A Phase Transition is only likely exceeding that level. Gold has bounced but the resistance stands at 1197 level with support at 1130 zone. The lowest […]

Clapper now Blames RT for Influencing the Election – Amazing

Back in March 12, 2013, James Clapper committed perjury before Congress for which anyone else would go to prison for 5 years. He did not flinch at denying that the NSA was collecting data on Americans. The record showed: “Does the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions […]

Market Talk – January 6, 2016

Most markets were waiting for the US employment report in order to set the theme for the rest of the month. Auto shares were the poor performer on the Nikkei today after Trump’s remarks over tax levies on auto-makers but also because the rally in the JPY. The Nikkei closed off -0.3% led predictably by […]

Bitcoin – What Next?

The rally in bitcoin has come out of China, which has accounted for 98% of bitcoin trading in the past six months. China is also home to about two-thirds of the world’s bitcoin mining power. The Phase Transition spike in bitcoin is very alarming, for it flies right in the face of government attempts to […]

Money Changers Refusing to Accept Australia $100 Bills

Because Australia has convened a commission to terminate the $100 bill, in the wake of the currency being cancelled overnight in India, there is a growing distrust of high denomination euros and Australian bills. What is interesting is A$100 notes are nonnegotiable now in India. The same is happening in Europe with the €500 bills. There […]

Anti-Global Warming Scientists Are Hoping to be Heard

Researchers who see the whole climate change/global warming theory as bogus and by no means a planet-ending crisis are hopeful that the incoming Trump Administration will allow their views to be heard. The Obama administration wanted to make it a criminal act to disagree with them — typical leftist attitude. The United Nations Framework Convention […]

India is the Guinea Pig for Electronic Money

QUESTION: Dear Marty, What could be the true intentions of Prime Minister Narendra Damodardas Modi in India cancelling the currency overnight. I have been suspecting some foul in his demonetisation move but cannot correctly understand why he did it? Counterfeit currency, Black money, prevent terrorism all his publicised motives have been shown false. If this move […]

Yes, More Electors Abandoned Hillary in the Electoral College

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I really do not understand this electoral college in the United States. Why does the popular vote not count? Then I heard that more electors abandoned Hillary rather than Trump. Thank You from European Disneyland JH ANSWER: It is very simple. The EU has member states and each is really its own […]

2017 is Looking More Optimistic Than Ever

The only thing about international trade is that someone cannot have a trade surplus without another experiencing a trade deficit. We all cannot have trade surpluses simultaneously and we have to begin understanding this reality. The net capital movements around the world are showing clear signs that things will be intensifying and the net capital […]