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If This is Not DEFLATION – Nothing Is!

Now in the news there is discussion of a 10% seizure of ALL deposits in ALL of Europe to cover this failed experiment called the Euro. In the Greek newspaper HEMPHΣIA, they reported today on Sunday that the new deal to surface now that Merkel is in power will be the seizure of 10% of ALL deposits to go toward the Sovereign Debt […]

Watch Nigel Farage – Britain’s Greatest Leader Since Maggie Thatcher

In Britain, you cannot get any more brain-dead than the Tories. They are doing a spectacular job at destroying the nation you wonder if they were not in secret league with the left – what the hell – the more chaos the more than can claim vote for them for change. Here too, the clear […]

Banks Manipulating Markets & the End of an Era

I have been warning that there has been a “Club” that has been targeting market after market to make a quick buck. The LIBOR Scandal has caused the tide to turn as well as having to bail out the banks in 2008 that has fundamentally altered the course of everything. Now the Swiss regulators said […]

The NY Untouchables Warn Obama About No Defaults Or Else

The real “Men in Black” who oversee the US government, the European troika of the IMF, ECB and EU who blew up Greece , Ireland, Iceland and are still working on Portugal, Spain, Italy and Austria (just to mention a few), are warning Obama that he better not default on the debt for political gamesmanship. […]

US – Italy – China

Of course, the USA stock futures and the dollar came under some pressure as the shutdown of the government appears more likely. Everyone knows this is just drama and posturing as if the USA would actually default. But hey, it is good for moving markets as the talking head talk to themselves so much, they […]

One Day After German Elections – Truth Comes Out

The Federalization of Europe is underway. One day after the elections, the ECB is already dictating that they are taking over supervision of banks and are hiring 1,000 to 2,000 people to monitor 130 banks. Deutsche Bank, in the meantime, has come out and advised Germans to short the Euro and go to the dollar. […]

Buy the Rumor Sell the News

Merkel’s victory was really a signal that the Euro Crisis will not be over and that if anything the current direction of Europe will merely pick up speed downhill. The positive thing for the euro is that perhaps we can now go into hyper-drive to get this Sovereign Debt Crisis in the open. The likelihood of […]

German Elections Today

Merkel has the fight for her legacy on the line. The German Elections are very interesting with the majority of Germans being fed up with the monetary union. The topics are endless: AFD , alternative for Germany , poverty , bank accounts , banking crisis , banking collapse ,banks-Union , Federal Bank , Federal Ministry […]

Wow – What a Response

Sometimes I write something I think is fairly common knowledge among professionals and what comes back is astonishing. Our professional readers have poured in saying about time someone told the truth about how central bankers float ideas to test the market. But the shocker has been the response from political circles. There seems to be […]

Gold & New Currency

QUESTION:  Martin, On September 18th you wrote “That is until it is time for a new monetary system after all of these jokers are done trying to grab power.” What do you think the new monetary system will be based on. Many people claim that Russia and China will force the balance of international trade […]