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The Check and Balance is the Debt Itself

QUESTION:  Hi Martin, You correctly (I believe) describe what will happened: Today it appears that we will first eliminate the paper currencies and move to a new electronic version to make avoiding taxes impossible. Hence people will flee to tangible assets and the velocity of money will decline taking the economy with it. That will […]

Barclay’s Gold Manipulation & Dr. Evil

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I am a converted and repentant Goldbug. I have listened to the same hype all the way up and all the way down. They always blamed mysterious manipulators for their mistakes. What I understand from your explanation is that there is no grand plan of manipulation, it is always just trading […]

Dow & the Future

QUESTION: Hello Mr. Armstrong,  I am a big fan of your work. I read ALL of your blogs and have purchased some of your materials. You truly opened my eyes to how the world really works. I am unfortunately one of those public workers you talk about. I first hand see how my employers are having trouble […]

Historic Trade Deal Russia & China – Will this Dethrone the USD?

QUESTION: My question is this: Russia and China making bilateral trade not using USD, China doing so with other countries etc. the buzz now is USD falling from grace. Yet is seems to me that as long as currencies out there are relating in any way with USD, and oil is priced in USD then […]

Track Record & Hedge Fund Manager of the Year

  Martin Armstrong was named Economist of the Decade & Hedge Fund Manager of the Year Financial risks have always existed wherever trade has been undertaken. However, the extent to which they have been identified, quantified and controlled has varied tremendously. Some well-publicized losses have been incurred by both financial and non-financial organisations around the […]

Debt Crisis Poking its Head Up Again in Europe

We have seen a 4 month rally in euro-region debt with yields on Italian and Spanish bonds seeing their biggest one-day jump in almost a year last week. The sell-off in European sovereign debt began in Greece and has spread following the same lines of contagion that emerged 2010-2011. Bids have simply evaporated and prices […]

Insider Trading & Manipulations

COMMENT:  I can also tell you from my personal experience that what you are writing about insider trading is false. I worked in the same office as Steve Cohen way back in the 80’s when he was just starting out. This was in lower Manhattan before he moved Uptown and later to Connecticut. His first big score […]

More Insider Trading Nonsense – Where’s the Beef?

Michael Steinberg was sentenced to 3.5 years in prison for insider trading on Friday emerging from the destruction of the hedge fund SAC. This is WHY the firm was prosecuted because it was not NYC based. Secondly, this helps the SEC and DOJ pretend they prosecute Wall Street when they do not. Insider Trading is […]

Interest Rates

In reality, easy-money policies and below-normal interest rates are here for a long time to come. We are seeing pressure on the labor market still has not fully recovered from the financial crisis and recession. We are at twice the level where we were prior to the economic turn in 1929 that became the Great […]

Will Government Confiscate Assets

QUESTION: If the public is racing to buy assets (real estate, coins, etc) will the government not try and confiscate everything we have, for the good of us all, to “help with our debt”? Thanks. SD ANSWER: There is no real precedent for confiscating everything other than communism and the crazy antics of Maximinus, who they […]