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Comment From the Medical Profession

COMMENT: Mr Armstrong, I laughed out loud this morning reading your blog. Your blog piece about how doctors (health care in general) and lawyers are peaking with 2015.75, I believe is spot on. Looking back at the past 10 years I have been in practice, the fortunes of my group do trace out the ECM. […]

Russia’s Central Bank Biggest Buyer of Gold

  COMMENT: Hello old friend. I really cannot believe how naive these goldbugs are about the real world. Russia’s buying of gold is not a bullish gesture for gold whilst it is merely because the Obama administration is trying to get the Russians to overthrow Putin. Shutting down Russians from commerce only sends them to […]

Canada & Bitcoin

QUESTION: Hi Marty  Is The Forecaster playing anywhere near Vancouver, BC? Have your thoughts on bitcoin changed at all? We are opening up in Brazil shortly. Regards, Richard ANSWER: I believe the film has already been signed up by distributors throughout Canada. I am not sure when and where. I really am not in that […]

Gold Promoters – Here We Go Again

Trying to argue with a Gold Promoter is trying to argue with a Democrat that they should be a Republican. It will never happen because it is their life and how they make money. If we look at the commodity sector as a whole, in 1919 Wheat was 356. It reached in 2008 13500. That […]

Nothing New in Monetary History

QUESTION: Marty, I gather from your writings that the Romans had corporations, stocks, bonds, futures, insurance, and financial panics. The chart you have showing the collapse of the monetary system in just 8.6 years and the 52 year decline in the follis demonstrate what you repeated from the Bible that there is nothing new under […]

Danger of Politically Correct Analysis

  The greatest danger we face is that far too often I am the only one saying something. Surely I cannot be the only person who comprehends the real trends. The danger we face is that those with experience on trading desks of fixed income and FX, see what I see, but cannot speak out. […]

Gold – the Desirable Object – Can it Survive as the Alternative to Electronic Money?

  Our greatest problem is government’s hunt for money. Now 29% of American households are starting to hoard dollars. As this increases, government can eventually close the door by simply cancelling the currency. The USA has never done that yet other than the transition from the Continental dollar to the US dollar. But every other […]

2015 World Economic Conference will be End of October

  The BIG BANG World Economic Conference will be hold later October/Early November 2015 in Princeton, New Jersey. Seating will be limited. We are asking regular clients to sign up now for as the movie hits and the markets move and shake, there is always the mad rush at the end. We will not be […]

Davos – The Arrogance of Officialdom

In 55BC, Cicero stood before the Senate of Rome and warned of its demise because of a trade deficit importing spices and silk from China. He spoke of the “arrogance of officialdom” and the more I studied the going ons throughout history, the more it hit me – history repeats because the passions of man […]

Police Reply

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong,   First, I have been reading your blog for quite some time and appreciate your service and perspective.  I really appreciate your historical perspective on many issues and consider myself a fan.   The recent comment regarding police pensions being paid for by seizures are inflammatory and not true in most cases […]