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Destroying the Global Political Economy

QUESTION: Well Marty, I am actually baffled at what is happening in the United States. First, the demonstrations, the recount, the campaign to derail the electoral college vote, the continuous blaming of Russia, the fake news furore et al… Is this the end of the United States as we know it? Are Obama, Clinton and co […]

South Carolina to Tax Porn Downloads

States are simply going bankrupt and in the process, they will become very nasty and aggressive. In South Carolina they will introduce a bill for the legislative session that will begin in the new year that will require all manufacturers and sellers of computers and other internet-capable devices to install porn-blocking software on all their products. If […]

Hiding Behind the Curtain – Best of Both Worlds

QUESTION: Marty; I was watching Fox News and on the same show they had Steve Forbes and Steven Moore. I remembered you were friends with Steve Moore when he was at the Cato Institute. There was talk the two of you were going to do something together. Both are in with Trump along with Nigel Farage. […]

The Real Story at Hampshire College

Chicago is where they dragged a man out of his car and beat him because he voted for Trump. Well, what’s going on at Hampshire certainly also gives us some pause. According to reliable sources there are some really serious issues brewing at this college. A group of Hampshire students took down the American flag on […]

Scandinavia – Leader in the War on Cash

The Scandinavian countries Sweden, Denmark and Norway are regarded as a pioneer in the the effort to eliminate money and move totally electronic. Denmark closed its final Mint outsourced the operation to Finland. This means that there is no coinage in the three states struck anymore. In this war on cash, about 20% of all transactions were […]

Local CBS in Atlanta Breaks with National Mainstream Media Ben Swann is not a national TV journalist, but he is making a name for himself on his Atlanta, Georgia, station by going against the mainstream media. Here is Swann’s piece on the five problems with the Democrats’ claims that Russia hacked the DNC files and gave them to Wikileaks. Wikileaks outright denied this […]

Clinton Donors Want to Investigate How Hillary Spent $1.5 Billion in Campaign Donations

Clinton’s fallout is interestingly causing an internal revolution among Hillary’s big donors. At her New York bash to “thank” her big donors of $1 million or more, she took no blame and pointed the finger at Comey and Putin. Her spin did not work and she has lost a lot of credibility according to confidential […]

Proof the Press is Rigged

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I am fairly new to your blog. I was told by two friends that you said not just that Trump would win and Brexit, but that the stock market would breakout to new highs and gold would decline for more than the last two years. I followed most of the big names […]

Obama Contradicts Clapper & Hillary – OOPS!

Hillary told her donor base at Manhattan’s Plaza Hotel last Thursday that Russian cyber attacks were both “a personal beef against me” and meant to undermine “the integrity of our democracy.” Of course, absent from the speech was anything realistic acknowledging that there is a global trend against corruption that is unfolding worldwide. Hillary will blame […]

How Professors are Engaging in Undermining the Country in Colleges A student in California videoed what his professor was saying in class and how they are trying to create a revolution. He actually said that the people who voted for Trump were engaging in an act of TERRORISM because the socialist lost. He went on to say that the nation is divided as it […]