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Understanding the New Era we Face – No More General Terms Apply

QUESTION:  In regards to the “Crash or Collapse” post you just put up, we kind of wonder what you meant when you wrote at the end “This will not be like anything seen in past 200 years” We were wondering, was that in regards to a crashing market or crashing Bond market? I thought you said in […]

Crash or Collapse?

QUESTION: You hear the big talk at Davos was the next big crash.  Roubini,..etc all the big economists are calling for one in the next 24 months and say its due for this business cycle to have a crash in bonds and stocks. GB ANSWER: What I see is nothing like the traditional crash. First […]

Comment from a Reader on Gates – The Truth Comes Out When You Leave Office

COMMENT: Dear Mr. Armstrong, All I could think of was you after listening to Robert Gates’ response to the question about a serious threat to US national security. BOB SCHIEFFER: And welcome back to Face the Nation and as promised more from our interview with the former Defense Secretary and we pick up where we […]

Uprising Against Corruption is the Global Trend – Get Use to It

Anyone who thinks that Ukraine was just a CIA plot is honestly in serious denial and are blind to the real trend afoot. All governments are declining into corruption on a massive scale and this is reflected in their rising demands for taxation. The American Revolution was – No Taxation without Representation. That is the […]

Weak Demand at Long-Term Treasury Auction

The Treasury Department saw the weakest demand since August 2011 in a sale of 30-year Treasury bonds today. The demand for long-term bonds that has driven interest rates well below the old benchmark of 8% has been the rise in demand for pensions. As the Baby-Boomers were getting closer to retirement, the bid for “safe” […]

Federal Reserve Act of December 23, 1913

  The Federal Reserve Act of December 23, 1913 authorized the first issue of Federal Reserve Bank Notes. All denominations were issued from 5 to 10,000 Dollars. The notes from 5 to 100 Dollars are series of 1914. The higher denomination notes from 500 to 10,000 Dollars are series of 1918. With the establishment of […]

Spain & Portugal – Jews Invited to Return

  Perhaps it is fate, but Spain was united with the marriage of Ferdinand and Isabella and in 1492, they not merely funded Christopher Columbus, they also began the expulsion of the Jews and Muslims. Christopher Columbus’s diary begins: “In the same month in which their Majesties [Ferdinand and Isabella] issued the edict that all Jews […]

What the Hell Can we do To Hide from the Future?

QUESTION: Hi Marty I was at the trading class in PA though you did an excellent job I have worked on Wall Street for about 25 years sales and trading on equities desk at Lehman, First Boston I have learned more reading your work and attending your conferences than anything over those 25 years So […]

Russian Interest Rates Soar – Credit Crisis of War

History repeats because the passions of man NEVER change. Russian interest rates have soared and she has found itself in an embarrassing situation. Russia has had to cancel the sale of government bonds for the seventh time, because she cannot find any buyers.The consequences for the country are very dramatic, yet predictable. Russia will raise taxes […]

The Cadillac Tax – Obama Will TAX All Your Benefits as part of Obamacare

Whenever the government enacts some program there is always a hidden agenda. Bush Senior had to veto the Clean Water Act because the add-ons that had nothing to do with clean water exceeded the cost of the clean water by about double. Then the Democrats went on TV to lie to the public saying Bush […]