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The Crisis in Democracy – Debt & Electronic Money

COMMENT: Hi Marty, Would you be able to clarify the risks with having just an electronic money system – it would seem that any electronic system would be vulnerable to viruses, bugs, hacking, and other collapse. Also a completely electronic system would possibly be a tool of a tyrannical government simply to shut dissenters down. […]

HSBC Threatens to Return to Hong Kong

HSBC is threatening to return to Hong Kong where the bank began, given the rise in regulations that is going on. Well of course it would be good, since China will be the number one economy in size and depth by the end of this cycle in 2032.95. The banks are now being prosecuted for […]

The Strange Case for Gold

QUESTION: Hey Martin, Years ago, I thought I was so smart.  Silver was 5 and gold was 300.  I was pretty young and did not have a lot of money. I purchased 30k worth of silver coins and some gold coins.  My thought process was that silver, most likely is not worth 0. As both […]

The New Age of Economic Totalitarianism & the London Meeting to End Currency

I have been warning that the governments of the West are in severe trouble. We face the worst economic crisis, perhaps in modern history, with the distinct risk of moving into a state of Economic Totalitarianism. The governments are well aware of the Economic Confidence Model (ECM). Many people have questioned, “Why have they not killed you?” […]

Scandals, Scandals, & More Scandals

One of the strangest aspects of politics is the so-called socialists who argue they are for the people, but tend to be the most dangerous in society. In ancient Athens, Sparta was able to finally conquer Athens because she became extremely arrogant and made unreasonable demands upon her allies. One by one, her allies turned […]

Jefferson’s Proposal for an Expiring Constitution on a 19-Year Cycle

If there was ever a person who I would say was a mentor to me with respect to political understanding, it is Thomas Jefferson. It was interesting that Jefferson was often attacked because of his ideas. In an 18th-century presidential campaign, people slandered Jefferson’s candidacy to support John Adams, accusing Jefferson of being “half Injun, half […]

Fractional Banking v Bond Market

COMMENT: Marty, I found your take on matching lenders and borrowers precisely on point. Whilst it sounds innovative, that is precisely what blew up with the mortgage backed securities. The New York bankers took long-term and sold it to many banks in Europe and to insurance funds. That was matching the terms. Even Iceland’s proposal to shift […]

The Federal Reserve: Part IV – The Bankers Strike Bank

Paul Volcker Former Fed Chairman The entire theory of how to manage an economy via the rise and fall of the money supply being the sole cause of inflation or deflation was discredited post-1971 with the birth of the Floating Exchange Rate System. Unbeknownst to the vast majority, the entire accounting system of trade had been […]

The Federal Reserve: Part III – The Takeover

FDR’ Speech on the Banking Crisis March 12, 1933   Roosevelt established the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) in 1933, assuring people it was safer to keep their money in a reopened bank than under the mattress. Then on August 23, 1935, Congress approved legislation that had a major impact on the Federal Reserve Banks, […]

End of Bonds Rise in Rates – A New Type of Inflation

QUESTION: Dear Martin, First I would like to congratulate you on your excellent analysis and market views. I am a bond portfolio manager for 25 years and I can only be shocked by current interest rates, specially in Europe. I have recently cut my long exposure to Bunds and everyone says it’s crazy to be […]