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Socrates Status Report & Vancouver

QUESTION:  Dear Martin, As a person of average means, I am wondering if you would consider offering a basic affordable service to guide those of us who are just trying to have something to retire on. Something like, “Hold onto your blue chip stocks for now.” Or, “It’s time to sell your municipal bonds and buy […]

Gold – The Hedge Against Government – NOT Inflation

COMMENT: Marty, one of the comments on the Mises Institution site says it all. You are never wrong. I have to admit. I was a goldbug and listened to the bullshit as you call it. Yet this action in gold has proven not merely were you correct in saying gold would pop, it has nothing […]

Gold – The January Pop – On Schedule?

  Back in December, we warned that gold would produce a pop and that the main resistance was in the 1250-1275 level. We now need a closing ABOVE 1250.50 tomorrow to confirm a further advance is possible. This is part of the interconnections. This forecast for a pop in gold into January was not “opinion” […]


QUESTION: Hello Martin, Been a long time follower, met you finally  in Phlly(I was the big white haired guy in the hallway at he end of the conference), which was wonderful by the way. As we approach the Big Bang, I am tryig to be as liguiid as possible to follow the Capital Flows, so […]

Here We Go Again – the Effective Repeal of Dodd-Frank As Xmas Gift to Bankers?

The high-flying banks are at it again. There has been lobbying going on to sneak a clause in the continuing resolution to fund the government over the holidays for the December 11th deadline. The provision they are trying to sneak in would allow the banks to trade derivatives through subsidiaries that are federally insured by the […]

Central Bank Watching – Refusing to go gentle into that good night

While the world has been watching Draghi and are surprised at the dissent, at the same time the street tends to try to create hard fast rules to follow the Fed rather than the markets and economy. The thinking process seems to try to fashion fixed rules to approach the Taylor Rule. This is kind-of […]

Why Central Banks Buy Equities

  Why are central banks buying equities outright and trading futures? Very simple – EURO CRISIS! I have reported that central banks have been buying equities because there is a real crisis underway in central bank reserves. Behind the curtain, they need diversity because the Euro Crisis has creates a Reserve Crisis. There is no […]

The Euro Crisis to Spread to a World Crisis

The Greek financial crisis began precisely to the day on our model for the start of the Sovereign Debt Crisis. That was truly amazing since we protected that ideal date in 1985. It is always fascinating to see how precise the world economy truly is – that strange hidden order beneath a surface of a […]

The FORECASTER May Become Available for a Restricted Global Viewing

QUESTION:  Hello Armstrong Economics, Is there any way to purchase the movie The Forecaster directly? I would love to see it and am a follower of Mr. Armstrong, receiving some of his reports that came out while he was still in jail. Is there a pay to watch website that might show it? Thank you, […]

I Welcome Our New CEO – Ashley Warren

I am pleased to introduce Ashley Warren who has taken up the position of CEO of Princeton Economics International, Ltd. Ashley has the TRADING experience globally and has been on the institutional side of our client base attending our conferences from Tokyo to Berlin and everywhere in between. Ashley will also contribute to the Institutional […]