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The Coming Public Debt Crisis

COMMENT: Hi Martin I am a macro manager. I read your article on April 9th about Public/ private. I agree it will happen but Commercial banks hold only a tiny part of the US Treasury as you will see from the graph attached. They will probably buy on the way up and China reserve growth […]

The Decline & Fall of the United States on Schedule

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I read your essay on the 224 year cycle and the peak in the United States would occur April 22, 2013. That was the start of Obama’s Syrian invasion argument. I must say, I am blown away with the accuracy of your work. I read an article in the newspaper here that […]

What is Money & Are Future Contracts Immoral?

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, Even though you don’t usually post comments from people that you perceive as “critical” of some of your views, as well as those who try to correct you when you do make errors (we’re all human, not perfect), I still feel compelled to point out some things on several issues you’ve written […]

Fed’s Ability to Create Money From Thin Air

QUESTION:  Thank you for the explanation about what fractional banking is. It clarifies the real intent and impact of this issue on the economy. Would you please then explain what quantitative easing is? It appears as if this is indeed the creation of money out of thin air. cs ANSWER: This is a different animal […]

Fractional Banking Myth – & Giro Banking

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I have only just found you and started reading your articles this last month after your interview on … radio..   It is a pain in the Butt we are not taught any of this in school, but I still have an HUGE aversion to a fractional reserve system where a private group or cartel is […]

2015.75 – Peak in Corruption? Dark Age of Socialism

The 2007.15 Peak in the ECM set in motion a profound sea-change within the economy on many levels. It was the beginning of the decline in economic power of the West and the shift in economic power to the East. Liquidity has failed to return and every office building I drive by even today has […]

Tsipras meets Putin – Obama Reducing America as Superpower

  Brussel’s sheer stupidity in pushing Greece to pay debts nobody else honors is absolute madness. The proposal we set forth at the Solution Conference is far deeper than many realize at first sight. Eliminating government debt at the federal level will save Europe for with this sort of debt-equity swap, which precisely Putin is […]

The ECM and the Interaction of a Complex Wave Structure

  For the new readers is trying to grasp the significance of six waves, the entire structure of the universe is based upon cycles for this is how energy moves. This applies to absolutely everything without exception.   If you stand at the corner of a busy street and close your eyes, listen to the […]

The 6th Wave

  QUESTION: Marty, I remember you displaying a chart on the fall of Rome and the ECM. Do you have that one to show again? KW    ANSWER: Here is that chart. The last Sixth Wave marked the peak in the Roman Empire. Every historian has drawn the line to mark the beginning of the […]

Socrates Demonstration

COMMENT: Marty, the demonstration of Socrates at the conference was mouthwatering. With everyone in less than 6 months claiming to have artificial intelligence is really laughable. I understand the tremendous amount of work you have done is just the front end process. Your system is way beyond artificial intelligence. That is why so many people […]